Efficient managerial decision-making in healthcare settings: examples and fundamental principles --; Dynamic capacity management (DCAMM) in a hospital setting --; Simulation modeling of healthcare delivery --; Simulation applications in a healthcare setting --; Modeling clinical engineering activities to support healthcare technology management --; Intensive care unit operational modeling and analysis --; Human-centered systems engineering: managing stakeholder dissonance in healthcare delivery --; Enabling real-time management and visibility with RFID --; Healthcare delivery as a service system: barriers to co-production and implications of healthcare reform --; Using simulation to design and improve an outpatient procedure center --; Reducing consultation waiting time and overtime in outpatient clinic: challenges and solutions --; Reducing patient waiting time at an ambulatory surgical center --; Scheduling healthcare systems: theory and applications --; Appointment order outpatient scheduling system with consideration of ancillary services and overbooking policy to improve outpatient experience --; Electronic health record adoption, considerations, and future direction --; Electronic medical records (EMR): issues and implementation perspectives.
"This book illustrates the power of management engineering for quantitative managerial decision-making in healthcare settings, that assists in predicting performance and/or real resource requirements and allowing decision-makers to be truly proactive rather than reactive"--
Delivery of Health Care -- organization & administration.
Health services administration -- Decision making.