(xvi, 505 pages) : color illustrations, color maps
Advances in environmental research, 13
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA ; ADVANCES IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. VOLUME 13 ; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; SHORT COMMENTARY; THE GLOBAL EXTENT OF BLACK C IN SOILS: IS IT EVERYWHERE? ; THE ROLE OF BLACK CARBON IN GLOBAL CLIMATE MODELS ; ARE THERE ROUTINE METHODS TO GENERATE A GLOBAL BC MAP? ; BC IN WORLD SOILS: WHAT DRIVES BC PRODUCTION AND DECOMPOSITION? ; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ; REFERENCES ; RESEARCH AND REVIEW STUDIES; CURRENT AND EMERGING MICROBIOLOGY ISSUES OF POTABLE WATER IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES ; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; VIRUSES ; TOXIGENICITY. Earthworm Species Suitable for Waste Management (Waste Biodegradation) Earthworm Species Suitable for Land Remediation (Soil Decontamination) ; 3. THE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF EARTHWORMS ; Enormous Power of Reproduction and Rapid Rate of Multiplication ; Sensitive to Light, Touch and Dryness ; 4. VERMICULTURE : A GLOBAL MOVEMENT ; 5. THE VERMICOMPOSTING TECHNOLOGY (VCT) ; 5.1. Wastes Suitable for Vermicomposting ; Some Industrial Wastes Suitable for Vermi-Composting ; Worms Can Even Vermicompost Human Excreta (Feces) ; Waste Materials Preferably to be Avoided for Vermi-composting. 5.2. Vermicomposting of Municipal Solid Waste 5.3. Mechanism of Worm Action in Vermicomposting ; Worms Reinforce Microbial Population and Act Synergistically Promoting Rapid Waste Degradation ; 5.4. Experimental Studies on Vermicomposting ; a). Study of Biodegradation Abilities of Individual Worm Species ; Findings and Results ; b). Study of Composting with Worms (Vermicomposting) and without Worms (Conventional Aerobic Composting) to Assess the Efficiency of Two Processes ; Findings and Results. C). Study of Vermicomposting of Raw and Cooked Food Wastes to Assess the Food Preferences of Earthworms and the Time Taken in Degradation of Each Food Component Findings and Results ; Findings and Results ; 5.4. Vermicomposting of Sewage Sludge : Some Preliminary Studies ; 5.4.1. Mechanism of Worm Action in Vermicomposting of Sludge : Worms Act as Sludge Digester ; 5.4.2. Experimental Study of Vermicomposting of Sewage Sludge ; Findings and Results ; Findings and Results ; 5.5. Critical Factors Affecting Optimal Worm Activity and Vermi- Composting.