In Praise of Meaning: Occupational Predictors of Longevity.
HEALTH AND WELL BEING: A SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE ; HEALTH AND WELL BEING: A SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE HEALTH AND WELL BEING: A SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE ; Contents ; Preface ; Board of Reviewers ; Part I Health Concepts and Health Care ; Emotional Intelligence and Intercultural Health Care: Concept and Experience ; Abstract; Introduction ; Emotional Intelligence and the Academic Discourse ; Emotional Health and Intercultural Awareness ; Conclusion; References; Education, Health and Wellbeing; Abstract ; Introduction ; Everybody Matters: The Body in Education. HPE Curriculum: What is being Taught and Learnt about Health and Wellbeing? Learning beyond HPE ; Conclusion ; Acknowledgments ; References ; Uncovering the SES-Health Myth: How Modern Society Undermines our Achievement of Optimal Health ; Abstract ; Introduction ; Limitations of Traditional Health Psychological Approaches; The Critical Health Perspective ; SES and Health ; Occupational Predictors of Health; Social Support and Health ; Personality Characteristics and Health ; Conclusion ; References; Cultural Stereotypes and Metaphors in Health: An Intercultural Communication Perspective. AbstractIntroduction ; Miscommunication in Intercultural Interaction ; Communication Barriers in the Health Context ; Cultural Metaphors and Stereotypes in Health ; Conclusion; References ; Volunteers: Reflexive Social Agents; Abstract ; Introduction; Current Explanatory Theories of Volunteering; Motivations --; A Psychological Explanation of Volunteering ; Prosocial Behaviour --; Altruism and Socialisation ; Social Networks --; Resources and Social Capital ; The Reflexive Social Volunteer Agent ; The Reflexive Individual ; Life Chances --; The Physical, Social and Cultural World ; Agency. Volunteer IdentitiesJoining Collectives ; Applying the Explanatory Framework ; Conclusion ; References ; Self-Identity and Risk-Taking in Adolescents ; Abstract; Introduction; Development of Self-Identity in Adolescence ; Theoretical Perspectives on Risk-Taking in Adolescence ; Factors Associated with Adolescent Risk-Taking ; Potential Health Risks of Tobacco, Alcohol and Marijuana use in Adolescents; Tobacco ; Alcohol ; Cannabis ; Conclusion ; References ; Social Impacts of Closure of Maternity Services in Rural Areas ; Abstract ; Introduction ; Background. Community, Place and Sense of Place Sense of Place ; Health Geography ; Social Impacts on Rural Communities ; Adverse Outcomes ; Community Sustainability ; Dilemmas in Australian Rural Communities ; Conclusion; References ; Building Social Capital --; A Case Study: Indirect Benefits Associated with a Dental Undergraduate Clinical Placement Program; Abstract ; Introduction ; Evaluation Method ; Overview of Tasmanian BDS Clinical Placement Program ; The Need to Build Local Social Capital ; Building Social Capital ; Conclusion; Acknowledgments ; References.