Chemical reactions in gas, liquid and solid phases :
synthesis properties and application
G.E. Zaikov and R.M. Kozlowski, editors.
Hauppauge, N.Y.
Nova Science Publishers
(x, 282 pages :) : illustrations.
Chemistry research and applications series.
Preface; Classification of Polymers in Reactivity toward Nitrogen Oxides; Influence of the Initiation Rate of Radicals on the Kinetic Characteristics of Quercetin & Dihydroquercetin in the Methyl Oleate Oxidation; An Antioxidant from Hindered Phenols Group Activates Cellulose Hydrolysis by Celloviridin in a Wide Concentration Range, Including Ultralow doses; a-Tocopherol as Modifier of the Lipid Structure of Plasma Membranes in Vitro in a Wide Range of Concentrations Studied by Spin-Probes; Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Swelling of Polyheteroarylenes Synthesized in N-Methylpyrrolidone; Inhibition of 2-Hexenal Oxidation by Essential Oils of Ginger, Marjoram, Juniper Berry, Black & White Pepper; The Organophosphorus Plant Growth Regulator Melaphen as Adaptogen to Low Moisher; Antioxidant Properties of Essential Oils from Clove Bud, Laurel, Cardamom, Nutmeg & Mace; Specific Properties of some Biological Composite Materials; Properties & Applications of Aminoxyl Radicals in Polymer Chemistry; Synthesis of Flexible Manufacturings for Phosphoric Industry Waste Utilization based on the Cals-Concept; Practical Hints on Application of Nanosilvers in Antibacterial Coating of Textiles; The Nanostructure & Yield process of Cross-Linked Epoxy Polymers; Nanostructures in Cross-Linking Epoxy Polymers & their Influence on Mechanical Properties; The Degradation Heterochain Polymers in the Presence ?f Phosphorus St?bilizers; Quantum-Chemical Calculation of Olefins of Cationic Polymerisation Branching in y-8, & e Position on Relations to Double Connection by Method MNDO; Thermodinamic for Catalase & Hydrogen Peroxide Interaction; Dr.rer.nat. Wolfgang Fritsche -- Scientist & Organizer of International Science; Professor Victor Manuel de Matos Lobo on his 70th Anniversary; The Scientist who has Outstripped His Time; Professor Dr Ryszard Michal Kozlowski. Half a Century in Science & Technology; The Second International Conference on Biodegradable Polymers & Sustainable Composites (BioPol-2009); Index.