Previous edition: Oxford : BIOS Scientific, 1999.; "As with the very successful first edition, this fully updated second edition will have a core role in the education and training of medical, nursing and midwifery staff in training grades. As well as this, it will provide a quick reference text for trained staff and other health care professionals involved in the care of newborn infants. It remains an ideal revision aid for the neonatology components of the MRCPCH and DCH postgraduate medical examinations. Those training to become advanced neonatal nurse practitioners will find it equally useful."--Jacket.
Abdominal DistensionNew! Abdominal Wall DefectsUpdated! Acid-Base BalanceAcute CollapseAnaemiaAnaesthesia and Post-Operative AnalgesiaApnoeas and BradycardiasAssessment of Gestational AgeBirth InjuriesUpdated! Bleeding DisordersBlood Glucose HomeostasisUpdated! Blood PressureNew! Breast FeedingCardiac ArrhythmiasNew! Cerebral PalsyUpdated! Childbirth Complications and Fetal OutcomeUpdated! Chromosomal AbnormalitiesNew! Chronic Lung DiseaseUpdated! Complications of Mechanical VentilationCongenital Diaphragmatic HerniaCongenital Heart Disease-Congestive Heart FailureCongenital Heart Disease-Cyanotic DefectsUpdated! Congenital Malformations and Birth DefectsUpdated! Death of a BabyDischarge Planning and Follow UpUpdated! Extracorporeal Membrane OxygenationUpdated! Extreme PrematurityUpdated! Feeding DifficultiesUpdated! Fluid and Electrolyte TherapyGastro-oesophageal RefluxGerminal Matrix-Intraventricular HaemorrhageHaemolytic DiseaseHead SizeNew! Hearing ScreeningHeart Murmurs in NeonatesUpdated! Hepatitis BNew! Hepatitis CHerniaeHirschsprung's DiseaseUpdated! HIV/AIDSHome Oxygen TherapyHydrocephalusHydrops fetalisHypotoniaUpdated! Hypoxic-Ischaemic encephalopathyUpdated! ImmunizationUpdated! Infants of Diabetic MothersUpdated! Infection-GeneralUpdated! Infection-NeonatalUpdated! Infection-PerinatalUpdated! Infection-PrenatalInherited Metabolic Disease-Investigation and ManagementInherited Metabolic Disease-Recognisable PatternsIntrauterine Growth RestrictionIntubationUpdated! JaundiceJitterinessUpdated! Liver DisordersUpdated! Maternal Drug AbuseUpdated! Mechanical VentilationUpdated! Meconium Aspiration SyndromeNew! Metabolic AcidosisMultiple PregnancyNecrotising EnterocolitisUpdated! Neonatal Screening for Inherited DiseaseNeonatal SurgeryNeural Tube DefectsNeurological EvaluationNeuromuscular Disorders-MuscularNeuromuscular Disorders-NeurologicalUpdated! Nitric Oxide TherapyUpdated! NutritionOesophageal anomaliesUpdated! Orthopaedic ProblemsNew! Outcomes of Neonatal Intensive CarePatent Ductus ArteriosusPeriventricular LeucomalaciaUpdated! Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the NewbornPolycythaemiaPostnatal ExaminationPregnancy Complications and Fetal HealthPrenatal DiagnosisPulmonary Air LeaksUpdated! Pulmonary HaemorrhageUpdated! Pulmonary HypoplasiaUpdated! Renal and Urinary Tract Disorders-NephrologyUpdated! Renal and Urinary Tract Disorders-UrologyRespiratory DistressUpdated! Respiratory Distress SyndromeUpdated! ResuscitationUpdated! Retinopathy of PrematurityUpdated! Sedation and Analgesia on the Neonatal Intensive Care UnitUpdated! SeizuresSexual AmbiguityShockSkin DisordersStridorUpdated! Surfactant Replacement TherapySurgical EmergenciesUpdated! ThermoregulationUpdated! Trace Minerals and VitaminsUpdated! Transfusion of Blood and Blood ProductsUpdated! Transport of Sick NeonatesVomiting