Contributors ixPreface xiiChapter 1 The public sector - Chris Aulich and Sandra Nutley 1Chapter 2 Public sector management - Chris Aulich, John Halligan and Sandra Nutley 11Chapter 3 The public policy process - Jenny Stewart and Russell Ayres 20Chapter 4 Politics and the policy process - Jennifer Curtin and Craig Symes 36Chapter 5 Strategic management and corporate planning - Jules Wills 47Chapter 6 Financial management and budgeting - Grant Jones 60Chapter 7 Human resource management - Helen Coventry 74Chapter 8 Diversity management - Anne Junor and Helen Coventry 86Chapter 9 Managing the employment relationship - Chris Fisher and Anne Junor 99Chapter 10 Public management in the information age - Alan Jarman and Sandra Nutley 111Chapter 11 Performance management - Grant Jones 124Chapter 12 Managing quality - Russell Ayres 138Chapter 13 Competitive tendering and contract management - Chris Aulich 150Chapter 14 Change managemen
Administrative agencies -- Australia -- Management.