Introduction & OverviewPART ONE: GETTING STARTEDChapter 1: Designing a studyChapter 2: Preparing a codebookChapter 3: Getting to know SPSSPART TWO: PREPARING THE DATA FILEChapter 4: Creating a data file and entering dataChapter 5: Screening and cleaning the dataPART THREE: PRELIMINARY ANALYSES Chapter 6: Descriptive statistics Chapter 7: Using graphs Chapter 8: Manipulating the Data Chapter 9: Checking the reliability of a scaleChapter 10: Choosing the right statisticPART FOUR: STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES TO EXPLORE RELATIONSHIPS Chapter 11: Correlation Chapter 12: Partial correlationChapter 13: Multiple regression Chapter 14: Factor analysis PART FIVE: STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES TO COMPARE GROUPSChapter 15: T-tests Chapter 16: One-way analysis of variance Chapter 17: Two way analysis of varianceChapter 18: Mixed between-within subjects analysis of variance Cha
Social sciences -- Statistical methods -- Computer programs.