xvii, 379 p. : ill.; Includes bibliographical references.; Contents: 1. The nature of surveys -- 2. Theory and social research -- 3. Formulating and clarifying research questions -- 4. Developing indicators for concepts -- 5. Ethics and data collection -- 6. Finding a sample -- 7. Constructing questionnaires -- 8. Administeringquestionnaires -- 9. Coding variables -- 10. Preparing variables for analysis -- 11. Building scales -- 12. Overview of analysis -- 13. Univariate analysis -- 14. Bivariate analysis: nominal and ordinal variables -- 15. Bivariate analysis: interval variables -- 16. Elaboratingbivariate relationships -- 17. Multivariate analysis -- 18. Putting it all together: a research example.
Provides clear advice on how to plan, conduct and analyse social surveys. It emphasises the links between theory and research, the logic and interpretation of statistics and the practices of social research.