1940 onwards (Willys MB, Ford GPW, and Hotchkiss M201) : enthusiasts' manual
Pat Ware
Yeovil, Somerset
160 sider : illustrations (nogle i farver)
Undertitel på ryg og omslag: 1940 onwards (Ford, Willys and Hotchkiss); På titelside og omslag: An insight into the history, development, production and roles of the US Army's light four-wheel-drive vehicle
The Jeep story - the development of the Jeep, Jeep production, manufacture and assembly, the Jeep in action, experiments and further development. Restore to action - mechanical components, body, paintwork and markings, spare parts kit, accessories. The owner's view - buying a Jeep, provenance, restoration and originality, driving and handling, reliability, maintenance and repairs, values and insurance. The soldier's view - recollections and anecdotes, field modifications. The mechanic's view - safety first, tools and working facilities, jacking and vehicle support, recommended lubricants and fluids, servicing a Jeep, preserving a Jeep. Appendices - dimensions and weights, chassis and engine numbers, dates of delivery, parts availability, military documentation, service history, useful contacts.