Kontoret for De Europæiske Fællesskabers Officielle Publikationer
131 sider : illustrations
Indhold: Foreword ; From Paris to Lisbon, via Rome, Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice ; Fundamental values of the European Union (The EU as guarantor of peace ; Unity and equality as the recurring theme ; The fundamental freedoms ; The principle of solidarity ; Respect of national identity ; The need for security ; The fundamental rights) ; The 'constitution' of the European Union (The legal nature of the EU ; The tasks of the EU ; The powers of the EU ; The institutions of the EU) ; The legal order of the EU (The EU as a creation of law and a Community based on law ; The legal sources of Union law ; The EU's means of action ; The legislative process in the EU ; The EU system of legal protection ; Liability of the Member States for infringements of Union law); The position of union law in relation to the legal order as a whole (Autonomy of the EU legal order ; Interaction between Union law and national law ; Conflict between Union law and national law) ; Conclusions ; Annex
Forlagets beskrivelse: The Lisbon Treaty entered into force on 1 December 2009, after being ratified by all 27 Member States of the European Union, and introduced changes to European law and institutions. The ABC of European Union law by Klaus-Dieter Borchardt examines the roots of the European project and its development as a legal order, and is a definitive reference work on the subject. The author offers insight into how the European Union is built, its broad principles and the legal order underpinning it, looking at this in relation to the national laws of the Member States. This book is intended for people with no specialist legal knowledge who wish to understand the implications of European law for their daily lives.