how to invest and trade equity-related options : effective strategies from basic to advanced options on ETFs and index funds, techniques to protect your investments
Copyright; CONTENTS; INTRODUCTION; CHAPTER 1 OPTIONS 101: BASIC TERMS, DEFINITIONS, AND STRATEGIES; The Basics; Puts and Calls; The Other Side of the Option; Options Created out of Thin Air; Vocabulary and Definitions; Options Pricing: The Basics; The Four Basic Options Strategies; Buying Call Options; Buying Put Options; Writing Options: Covered and Uncovered; Writing Covered Calls; Writing Covered Puts; The Building Blocks; CHAPTER 2 BASIC INVESTMENT STRATEGIES; Covered Writing; Entering into the Strategy; Possible Outcomes; Covered Writing Against Losing Positions; The Naked Covered Writer. Covered Writing ConclusionThe Buy/Write; Static Return; If-Called Return; Expiration and Strike Price Selection; Breakeven and Downside Protection; In-the-Money Buy/Writes; Stock Selection; Rolling Strategies; Rolling Out; Rolling Up and Out; Rolling Down; Buying Protective Puts; Strike and Expiration Decisions; When to Insure; Purchasing Call Options; Long Cash/Long Call Strategy; Buy Call/Start Saving Strategy; Writing Equity Put Options; Writing Puts Without and with Leverage; Rolling Short Put Positions; Other Rolling Strategies; Systematic Option Writing. CHAPTER 3 BASIC TRADING STRATEGIESBuying Calls; Selecting Calls Based on Price; Looking Beyond an Option's Price; An Option's Sweet Spot; Relaxing the Volatility Assumption; An Option's Profitability Boundary; Choosing the Option's Expiration Date; When to Sell Long Calls; Buying Puts; Shorting Stocks; Buying Puts: An Example; Puts' Sweet Spot; Puts' Profitability Boundary; Choosing an Expiration Date; Buying Out-of-the-Money Puts; CHAPTER 4 OPTIONS 401: OPTION PRICING, VOLATILITY, AND A FIRST GREEK LETTER; Option Pricing: Beyond the Basics; Stock Price; Exercise Price. Interest Rates and DividendsTime to Expiration; Volatility; Volatility or Volatilities; Historical Volatility; Future Volatility; Implied Volatility; Forecasted Volatility; Option Pricing Volatility; Overvalued and Undervalued Options; Real-World Volatilities; The Greeks: Delta; Delta and Complex Positions; Impact of Volatility; The Risks of Early Assignment; Early Assignment on Call Options; Early Assignment on Put Options; CHAPTER 5 ADVANCED INVESTMENT STRATEGIES; Covered Straddles and Combinations; Covered Straddles; Covered Combinations; The Extent to Which the Options Are Covered. Testing for SuitabilitySetting Buying and Selling Targets; Building a Stock Position; Follow-up Action; The Repair Strategy; Where Options Come In; Entering and Exiting the Position; Exit Fear, Enter Greed; Selecting Expiration Date and Strike Prices; Repairing High-Volatility Stocks; Leveraging an Equity Position; Traditional Leverage: Borrowing; Alternative Leverage: Remove Borrowing, Add Options; Expanding the Strategy's Range; Final Variation; More Later; CHAPTER 6 ADVANCED TRADING STRATEGIES; Bull Call Spreads; Maximum Theoretical Value; Spread Selection; Entering Orders.
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