Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. Vol. 6, 1988
editor, Julia Annas.
Clarendon Press
281 pages ; 22 cm
Heraclitus and the Art of Paradox / Mary Margaret Mackenzie--Parmenides' Foundation of the way of truth / Aryeh Finkelberg--On the relative date of the Gorgias and the Protagoras / Charles H. Kahn--Soul and body in Aristotle / Christopher Shields--Aporetic Pyrrhonism / Paul Woodruff--Personhood and personality: the four-personae theory in Cicero, "de Officiis I" / Christopher Gill--Moral habituation: a review of Troels Engberg-Pedersen, "Aristotle's theory of moral insight" / Rosalind Hursthouse--Nature and life: a review of Allan Gotthelf (ed), "Aristotle on nature and living things, philosophical and historical studies presented to David M. Balme on his seventieth birthday / G.E.R. Lloyd--Nova non philosophandi philosophia: a review of Anna Maria Ioppolo, "Opinione e Scienza" / Henry Maconi--Time and the continuum: a discussion of Richard Sorabji, "Time, creation, and the continuum" / David Bostock--Index Locorum.