Contents Preface Part 1 The basics of research 1) The role of research in psychology 2) Aims and hypotheses in research 3) Variables, concepts and measures4) The problems of generalisation: Chance findings and sample size5) Research reports: The total picture6) Examples of how to write research reports7) The literature search8) Ethics in research Part 2 Quantitative research methods 9) The basic laboratory experiment 10) Advanced experimental design11) Cross sectional or correlational research: Non-manipulation studies12) Longitudinal studies13) Sampling and population surveys Part 3 Fundamentals of testing and measurement 14) Psychological tests: Their use and construction15) Reliability and validity: Evaluating the value of tests and measures16) Coding data Part 4 Qualitative research methods17) Why qualitative research?18) Qualitative data collection19) Transcribing language data: The Jefferson system20) Data analysis: Grounded theory21) Thematic Analysis22) Discourse Analysis23) Conversation analysis24) Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)25) Evaluating qualitative research Part 5 Research for projects, dissertations and theses 26) Developing ideas for research ReferencesIndex