Previous edition: London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2003.; Includes index.
Chapter 1 The origins and character of the law of contract 1.1. The development of a law of contract 1.2. The character of modern contracts 1.3. The reasons why contracts are enforced 1.4. Contracts compared with other areas of law Chapter 2 Principles of formation of contracts: offer and acceptance 2.1. The character of agreement 2.2. The nature of offers 2.3. The rules of offer 2.4. Termination of offer 2.5. The rules of acceptance 2.6. Points for discussion Chapter 3 Principles of formation: consideration 3.1. The nature and purpose of consideration 3.2. Defining consideration 3.3. Executory and executed consideration 3.4. The rules of consideration Chapter 4 Principles of formation: intention to create legal relations 4.1. The two presumptions 4.2. Social and domestic agreements 4.3. Commercial and business arrangements Chapter 5 Formalities and speciality contracts 5.1. The requirement of form 5.2. Agreements which must be created in the form of a deed to be valid 5.3. Contracts that must be in writing to be valid 5.3. Agreements needing only evidence in writing to be valid Chapter 6 Third-party rights 6.1. The doctrine of privity of contract 6.2. The exceptions to the basic rule 6.3. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 Chapter 7 Capacity and incapacity 7.1. The nature of capacity 7.2. Minors' contracts 7.3. Capacity and mentally disordered persons 7.4. Capacity and drunkenness 7.5. The capacity of corporations Chapter 8 The contents of a contract: terms 8.1. Pre-contractual statements and representations 8.2. The process of incorporating express terms 8.3. Implied terms 8.4. The relative significance of terms Chapter 9 The contents of a contract: exclusion clauses 9.1. Common-law control of exclusion clauses 9.2. Statutory and EC control of exclusion clauses Chapter 10 Vitiating factors: void and voidable contracts 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Void contracts 10.3. Voidable contracts 10.4. The classes of vitiating factors Chapter 11 Vitiating factors: misrepresentation 11.1. General 11.2. When a misrepresentation occurs 11.3. The different types of misrepresentation 11.4. Equity and misrepresentation Chapter 12 Vitiating factors: mistake 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Common mistake 12.3. Mutual mistake 12.4. Unilteral mistake 12.5. Mistake and equity 12.6. Non est factum Chapter 13 Vitiating factors: duress and undue influence 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Duress 13.3. Economic duress 13.4. Undue influence Chapter 14 Vitiating factors: illegality 14.1. Introduction 14.2. Contracts void by statute 14.3. Contracts illegal by statute 14.4. Contracts void at common law 14.5. Contratcts illegal at common law 14.6. The consequences of the contract being void 14.7. The consequences of the contract being illegal Chapter 15 Discharge of obligations 15.1. Discharge by performance 15.2. Discharge by agreement 15.3. Discharge by frustration 15.4. Discharge by breach Chapter 16 Remedies in contract law 16.1. Limitation periods in contract law 16.2. The purpose of damages in contract 16.3. The problem of remoteness of damage in contract claims 16.4. Quantification of damages in contract claims 16.5. Other common-law remedies in contract law 16.6. The effect of speculation in contract 16.7. Equitable remedies in contract Chapter 17 Consumer protection 17.1. General 17.2. Sale of goods and supply of goods and services 17.3. The Consumer Protection Act 1987 17.4. The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and applying false descriptions to goods or services Chapter 18 The Synoptic Element 18.1. The nature and purpose of synoptic assessment 18.2. OCR synoptic assessment 18.3. AQA synoptic assessment Appendix 1 Answers to dilemma boards Index
'Contract Law' is a useful resource for students studying contract law at A2 level as well students of other law courses. It is filled with activities, exercises and exam questions for students of all abilities.