Learning Asp.Net 2.0 with Ajax; About This Series; Learning or Programming?; Vb Versus C♯; How This Book Is Organized; Conventions Used in This Book; Support: A Note from Jesse Liberty; Using Code Examples; We & d Like to Hear from You; Safari® Books Online; Acknowledgments; From Dan Hurwitz; From Brian MacDonald; 1. Getting Started; Creating a New Web Site; Creating HelloWorld; Making the HelloWorld Web Site Interactive; What You Just Did; Summary; Brain Builder; Exercises; 2. Building Web Applications; Controls; Code-Behind Files; Events and Postbacks; Synchronous and Asynchronous Postbacks. Adding asynchronous postbacksControls; Basic Controls; Creating Tables; Setting Properties; Selection Controls; Panels; Selection Controls; Adding items in Source View; More Selection Controls; Displaying Text; Images; Links; LinkButtons; Source Code; Summary; Brain Builder; Exercises; 3. Snappier Web Sites with Ajax; ScriptManager; Extending Controls with the Control Toolkit; PopupControlExtender; CollapsiblePanelExtender; Source Code Listing; Summary; Brain Builder; Exercises; 4. Saving and Retrieving Data; Create a Sample Web Page; Using a DataSource Control. "Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain"Using the GridView Control; Auto-Generated Code; Adding Insert, Update, and Delete Statements; Displaying and Updating the Data; Modifying the Grid Based on Events; Selecting Data from the GridView; Passing Parameters to the Select Query; Source Code Listings; Summary; Brain Builder; Exercises; 5. Validation; The RequiredFieldValidator; The Summary Control; The Compare Validator; Comparing to Another Control; Range Checking; Regular Expressions; Custom Validation; Summary; Brain Builder; Exercises; 6. Style Sheets, Master Pages, and Navigation. Inline StylesDocument-Level Styles; External Style Sheets; Master Pages; Adding Content Pages; Using Nested Master Pages; Changing the Master Page at Runtime; Navigation; Menus and Bread Crumbs; Site Maps; Using Sitemaps; Customizing the look and feel of the TreeView; Replacing the TreeView with a menu control; Accessing site map nodes programmatically; Bread Crumbs; Summary; Brain Builder; Exercises; 7. State and Life Cycle; State; Session State; Application State; Summary; Brain Builder; Exercises; 8. Errors, Exceptions, and Bugs, Oh My!; Tracing; Inserting into the Trace Log; Debugging. BreakpointsBreakpoint window; Breakpoint properties; Breakpoint icons; Stepping Through Code; Examining Variables and Objects; Debug Windows; Locals window; Watch window; Call Stack window; Error Handling; Application-Wide Error Pages; Page-Specific Error Pages; Summary; Brain Builder; Exercises; 9. Security and Personalization; Managing Users Programmatically; Creating a welcome page; Creating a login page; Roles; Restricting Access; Testing for role-based authentication membership; Personalization; Complex data types; Anonymous Personalization; Themes and Skins. Organize Site Themes and Skins.
With this book, web developers can build engaging and interactive sites and applications using Microsoft's latest web development tools -- ASP.NET 2.0 and the new ASP.NET AJAX framework. You learn to create applications that have all the great tricks you see on popular commercial web sites, such as order forms and the ability to interact with a database. And you can build pages that display information interactively without a page refresh. This straightforward tutorial explains how. Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX helps you master the concepts and techniques of Microsoft's tools with plenty of a.