The diversity of the mammal family is represented in the 14 articles contained in this resource. Each article ranges in length from 16-24 pages and discusses one particular species or group. Besides humans, the mammals that are discussed include chimpanzees, dolphins, elephants, giraffes, gray whales, grizzly bears, kangaroos, lions, manatees, seals, squirrels, wolves, and zebras. Arranged alphabetically, each article begins with a family tree taxonomy, discussion of related animals, and an overview of featured systems. These systems (external, skeletal, muscular, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive and excretory, and reproductive) receive detailed treatment on subsequent pages. Articles are signed, well written, and provide detailed information. Each article also includes numerous full-color photographs, charts, and diagrams. Sidebars and boxes highlight interesting facts. A glossary, an index, and resources for further study conclude the book. The volume is a repackaging of the publisher's multivolume Animal and Plant Anatomy (2006). Libraries already owning the larger set will not need to purchase this newer title as it does not provide supplemental material. Though this is a useful, interesting, and browsable volume, because of the limited number of mammals covered, only schools and libraries where resources on animal anatomy are highly requested or that have large budgets will want to consider it. Grades 8-12.