FRONT COVER; Preface; Contents; Contributors; 1 Initial Management and Resuscitation; INTRODUCTION; INITIAL BURN MANAGEMENT; ABCs of Trauma:; Patient Evaluation; Fluid Requirement Calculation; Circulation Assessment; Infection Prevention; MetabolicSupport; Burn Wound Treatment; Supportive Treatment; Surgical Wound Closure; INITIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE BURNED PATIENT; Burn Wound Assessment; LABORATORY AND COMPLEMENTARY TESTS; FLUID RESUSCITATION; MONITORING AND PATIENT CONTROL; BIBLIOGRAPHY; 2 General Treatment of Burned Patients; NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT; PATIENT SUPPORT Hypoproteinemia and Anemia. Environmental ControlStress Ulcer Prophylaxis; DeepVenous Thrombosis Prophylaxis; TREATMENT OF INHALATION INJURY; PAIN MANAGEMENT; General recommendations for Pain control; Pain Assessment; General Issues; Pain vs. Anxiety; Pain Management Protocol; INFECTION CONTROL; Pneumonia; Urinary Tract Infections; Catheter Related Infections; BIBLIOGRAPHY; 3 Diagnosis and Treatment of Inhalation Injury; INTRODUCTION; PATHOPHYSIOLOGY; Thermal Injury; Chemical Irritation; Systemic Toxicity; DIAGNOSIS; History; Physical Examination; Diagnostic Studies; TREATMENT; Early prophylactic intubation. Inhalation Injuries to the Larynx and TracheostomyRespiratory Care; LATE COMPLICATIONS; SUMMARY; REFERENCES; BIBLIOGRAPHY; 4 Burn Wound Management and Preparation for Surgery; BURN WOUND MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE DEPTH OF THE WOUND; Superficial burns; Deep Partial and Full-thickness Burns; Indeterminate-Depth Burns; BURN WOUND MANAGEMENTBASED ON THE SURGICAL APPROACH; Immediate Burn Wound Excision; Early/Serial Burn Wound Excision; PREPARATION FOR SURGERY; Anesthetic Evaluation; Preparation of Patients; Preparation of the Operating Room; BIBLIOGRAPHY; 6 Principles of Burn Surgery. HISTORY OF BURN EXCISIONPATIENT SELECTION FOR SURGERY; PATIENT PREPARATION FOR SURGERY Complete resuscitation; Nutrition; Preoperative laboratory evaluation; OPERATING ROOM PREPARATION Excision of major burns; Donor sites; Wound Coverage; TREATMENT OF SPECIFIC AREAS OF THE BODY; Posterior Trunk; Buttocks; Chest and Abdomen; Breast; Axilla; Perineum; Lower Extremities; Upper Extremities; Head and Neck; OPERATING ROOM SET-UP; Instruments; Equipment; REFERENCES; 7 Management of Superficial Burns; TOPICAL ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS; SYNTHETIC AND BIOLOGICAL DRESSINGS. MANAGEMENT OF SUPERFICIAL PARTIAL-THICKNESS WOUNDSTreatment ofSmall and Medium Superficial Partial- Thickness Wounds (Up to 30% Total Body Surface Area); Treatment ofLarge Superficial Partial-Thickness Burns; BIBLIOGRAPHY; 8 The Small Burn; GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS; PREPARATION FOR SURGERY; SURGICAL TECHNIQUE; Choice of Skin Grafts; Specific Donor Sites; Type ofExcision; Hemostasis; Fixation of Skin Grafts and Splinting; Dressings; BIBLIOGRAPHY; 9 The Major Burn; INTRODUCTION; GENERAL PRINCIPLES; Excision; Wound Closure; Wound Healing and Scarring; OPERATIVE INDICATIONS AND PLANNING.
This book encompasses all of the state-of-the-art techniques currently available for the care of burn patients. Prepared with a focus on education and training, this outstanding guide presents the latest strategies and breakthroughs for the care of burn patients in outpatient, operating room, and intensive care unit settings and introduces all the relevant information required to apply the latest technologies to the care of burn patients using a hands-on approach. Principles And Practice of Burn Surgery covers advancements in resuscitation, operative techniques, infection control, and nutritio.
Burns -- surgery.
Burns and scalds -- Surgery.
Burns and scalds.
[edited by] Juan P. Barret-Nerín, David N. Herndon.