xxv, 1205 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 28 cm.
Sataloff's comprehensive textbook of otolaryngology head and neck surgery, vol. 6.
Section 1Embryology of the Facial Nerve and Related StructuresUpdate on Inner Ear Regeneration/Basic Science UpdateImpact of Evolution on Eustachian Tube FunctionGenetics of Hearing LossOtologic SyndromesCongenital Hearing LossEmbryology and Congenital Abnormalities of the External EarCongenital Aural AtresiaMalformations of the Inner EarDiagnostic Approach to Common Pediatric Otologic ProblemsClinical Examination of the EarPediatric Temporal Bone ImagingHistopathology of the Temporal BoneNewborn Hearing Screening and Audiologic Considerations for ChildrenSpeech and Language Evaluations of Children with Hearing LossAmplification and Classroom Management for Hearing Impaired ChildrenMultidisciplinary Evaluation of the Pediatric Cochlear Implant CandidateOtitis MediaCholesteatomaAuditory Neuropathy/Auditory DyssynchronyOsseointegrated Implants and Implantable Hearing Aids in the Pediatric PatientPediatric Cochlear ImplantsPediatric Auditory Brainstem ImplantationVestibular Disorders in the Pediatric PatientEvidence Based Medicine in Pediatric OtologySection 2. Pediatric RhinologyPediatric Sinonasal Anatomy and EmbryologyThe Role of Human Evolution on Sinus DiseaseEvaluation of the Child with Rhinologic DiseasePathophysiology of Pediatric RhinosinusitisPediatric Rhinosinusitis: Diagnosis and ManagementCystic Fibrosis Related RhinosinusitisA. Congenital Nasal MalformationsB. Pediatric Nasal TumorsPediatric Sinonasal and Anterior Skull Base SurgeryEvidence Based Medicine in Pediatric RhinologySection 3. Pediatric Aerodigestive CareDevelopmental Anatomy of the Unified AirwayImaging of the Pediatric AirwayPre-Operative Evaluation of the Child Needing Airway SurgeryPediatric Anesthesia for Airway SurgeryPeri-Operative Intensive Care Management in Airway SurgeryCongenital Nasal MassesCongenital Lesions in the Oral Cavity and OropharynxInfections of the Larynx and TracheaInflammatory and Neoplastic Lesions of the Larynx and TracheaForeign Body and Caustic Ingestions of the Aerodigestive TractCongenital and Acquired Laryngeal AnomaliesCongenital and Acquired Tracheal AnomaliesSurgery for Subglottic and Tracheal LesionsCough in the Pediatric PatientPediatric Esophageal DiseaseSection 4. Pediatric Head And NeckDevelopment AnatomyAdenotonsillar Disorders: Hypertrophy and InfectionsDeep Neck Space InfectionsOverview of Neck MassesCongenital Cystic Neck Masses (BCCs and TGDC)Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations of the Head and NeckPediatric Skull Base LesionsPediatric Head and Neck MalignanciesPediatric Thyroid MalignancyAdjuvant Therapy for Pediatric Head and Neck MalignanciesPediatric Salivary Gland DisordersPediatric SialoendoscopyPediatric Sialorrhea: Medical and Surgical OptionsSection 5. Pediatric Sleep MedicinePhysiology of Pediatric Sleep - Infancy through AdolescenceEvaluation of Pediatric Sleep Disorders - From the Clinic to the Sleep LabSleep Disordered Breathing and Obstructive Sleep ApneaEvaluation of Airway Obstruction that persists after T&A: Endoscopic and drug-induced sleep endoscopy versus Sleep Cine MRISurgical Management of Pediatric OSANonsurgical Management of Pediatric OSACentral Sleep Apnea Diagnosis and ManagementBehavioral and Circadian Rhythm Sleep DisordersOther Pediatric Sleep Disorders - Insomnia, Hypersomnia, ParasomniaPediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing and Evidence-Based PracticeSection 6. Pediatric VoiceAnatomy of the Pediatric LarynxDevelopment of the Human Vocal FoldVoice Evaluation from the Otolaryngologist's PerspectiveVoice Evaluation from the Speech and Language Pathologist's PerspectiveNeurolaryngological Disorders and Pediatric Laryngeal ElectromyographyParadoxical Vocal Ford MotionPediatric Vocal Fold ImmobilityBenign and Malignant Vocal Fold LesionsVoice Therapy for Dysphonia and for Paradoxical Vocal Fold MotionFunctional Voice DisordersSurgical Treatment of Benign Vocal Fold MassesVoice Rehabilitation After Airway ReconstructionJuvenile Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis and the VoiceSection 7. Pediatric Velopharyngeal InsufficiencyAnatomic Basis of Velopharyngeal InsufficiencyThe Role of the Otolaryngologist in VPI EvaluationThe Role of the Speech Pathologist in VPI EvaluationNon Cleft VPINon-Surgical Management of VPI and Resonance DisordersSurgical Management of VPIEvaluation and Management of the Cleft PalateEvaluation and Management of the Cleft LipCraniofacial Disorders: The Otolaryngologist's PerspectiveMandibular Distraction for Airway AnomaliesContemporary Work-up of the Air Bone Gap in the Pediatric Patient