Section 1 General Pharmacological PrinciplesIntroduction, Routes of Drug AdministrationPharmacokinetics: Membrane Transport, Absorption and Distribution of DrugsPharmacokinetics: Metabolism and Excretion of Drugs, Kinetics of EliminationPharmacodynamics: Mechanism of Drug Action; Receptor PharmacologyAspects of Pharmacotherapy; Clinical Pharmacology and Drug DevelopmentAdverse Drug Effects Section 2 Drugs Acting on Autonomic Nervous SystemAutonomic Nervous System: General ConsiderationsCholinergic System and DrugsAnticholinergic Drugs and Drugs Acting on Autonomic GangliaAdrenergic System and DrugsAntiadrenergic Drugs (Adrenergic Receptor Antagonists) and Drugs for Glaucoma Section 3 Autacoids and Related DrugsHistamine and Antihistaminics5-Hydroxytryptamine, its Antagonists and Drug Therapy of MigraineProstaglandins, Leukotrienes (Eicosanoids) and Platelet Activating FactorNonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs and Antipyretic-AnalgesicsAntirheumatoid and Antigout Drugs Section 4 Respiratory System DrugsDrugs for Cough and Bronchial Asthma Section 5 Hormones and Related Drugs IntroductionAnterior Pituitary HormonesThyroid Hormone and Thyroid InhibitorsInsulin, Oral Hypoglycaemic Drugs and GlucagonCorticosteroidsAndrogens and Drugs for Erectile DysfunctionEstrogens, Progestins and ContraceptivesOxytocin and Other Drugs Acting on UterusDrugs Affecting Calcium Balance Section 6 Drugs Acting on Peripheral (Somatic) Nervous SystemSkeletal Muscle RelaxantsLocal Anaesthetics Section 7 Drugs Acting on Central Nervous SystemGeneral AnaestheticsEthyl and Methyl AlcoholsSedative-HypnoticsAntiepileptic DrugsAntiparkinsonian DrugsDrugs Used in Mental Illness: Antipsychotic and Antimanic DrugsDrugs Used in Mental Illness: Antidepressant and Antianxiety DrugsOpioid Analgesics and AntagonistsCNS Stimulants and Cognition Enhancers Section 8 Cardiovascular DrugsCardiac Electrophysiological ConsiderationsDrugs Affecting Renin-Angiotensin System and Plasma KininsCardiac Glycosides and Drugs for Heart FailureAntiarrhythmic DrugsAntianginal and Other Anti-ischaemic DrugsAntihypertensive Drugs Section 9 Drugs Acting on KidneyRelevant Physiology of Urine FormationDiureticsAntidiuretics Section 10 Drugs Affecting Blood and Blood FormationHaematinics and ErythropoietinDrugs Affecting Coagulation, Bleeding and ThrombosisHypolipidaemic Drugs and Plasma Expanders Section 11 Gastrointestinal DrugsDrugs for Peptic UlcerDrugs for Emesis, Reflux and Digestive DisordersDrugs for Constipation and Diarrhoea Section 12 Antimicrobial DrugsAntimicrobial Drugs: General ConsiderationsSulfonamides, Cotrimoxazole and QuinolonesBeta-Lactam AntibioticsTetracyclines and Chloramphenicol (Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics)Aminoglycoside AntibioticsMacrolide, Lincosamide, Glycopeptide and Other Antibacterial Antibiotics; Urinary AntisepticsAntitubercular DrugsAntileprotic DrugsAntifungal DrugsAntiviral DrugsAntimalarial DrugsAntiamoebic and Other Antiprotozoal DrugsAnthelmintic Drugs Section 13 Chemotherapy of Neoplastic DiseasesAnticancer Drugs Section 14 Miscellaneous DrugsImmunosuppressants, Gene TherapyDrugs Acting on Skin and Mucous MembranesAntiseptics, Disinfectants and EctoparasiticidesChelating AgentsVitaminsVaccines and SeraDrug Interactions