an international symposium, Convento delle Clarisse, Rapallo, Italy, November 8-10, 1979 ; with ... 55 tables
eds.: G.R. Burgio ... Contributors: G. Annerén ...
Berlin ; Heidelberg
VI, 265 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme.
Human genetics / Supplement, 2.
to the Symposium.- Clinical Aspects of Down's Syndrome from Infancy to Adult Life.- Down's Syndrome: Problems of Immunodeficiency.- Dermatoglyphie Peculiarities in Down's Syndrome Detection of Mosaicism and Balanced Translocation Carriers.- Pathology of Trisomy 21.- Down's Syndrome and the Family.- Asking for a Prenatal Diagnosis After the Birth of a Child with Down's Syndrome.- Vingt Ans Apres.- Nondisjunction.- Experiments on Chiasmata and Nondisjunction in Mice.- Gene Mapping and Chromosome 21: History and Methodology.- Functional Implications of Gene Dosage Effects in Trisomy 21.- Structural Variation of Chromosome 21 and Symptoms of Down's Syndrome.- Prenatal Losses of Trisomy 21.- Incidence of Down's Syndrome in Sweden During the years 1968 - 1977.- Epidemiology of Trisomy 21 Population, Peri- and Antenatal Data.- Abstracts of the Poster Presentations.- Author Index of Abstracts.
Trisomy twenty-one
eds.: G.R. Burgio ... Contributors: G. Annerén ...