edited by Thérèse Vanden Driessche, Jean-Luc Guisset, Ghislaine M. Petiau-de Vries.
Springer Netherlands
(xi, 283 pages)
An Ancient Cellular Mechanism in the Tension Field between Energy Requirements and Destruction Avoidance --; Overview --; The Biochemistry Of Redox Reactions --; Light-Dark and Thioredoxin-Mediated Metabolic Redox Control in Plant Cells --; Redox Cycling of Intracellular Thiols: State Variables for Ultradian, Cell Division Cycle and Circadian Cycles? --; Occurrence and comparative physiology of melatonin in evolutionary diverse organisms --; Circadian Rhythms and Oxidative Stress in Non-vertebrate Organisms --; Circadian Aspects of the Cellular Redox State: Melatonin Actions and Implications for Oncogenesis --; Plasma membrane electron transport and the control of cellular redox status and circadian rhythms --; Fluctuation of Reactive Oxygen Species Released by Inflammatory Cells* --; Circadian variations in toxic liver injury and the hepatic P-450 monooxygenase system --; Apoptotic Signals: Possible Implication Of Circadian Rhythms --; Redox capacities of in vitro cultured plant tissues: the case of hyperhydricity. --; Redox state and phosphorylation potential as macroparameters in rhythmic control of metabolism --; a molecular basis for seasonal adaptation of development.
This book addresses the redox balance in cells and organisms, which is of paramount importance in biology. In addition, a generally overseen circadian modulation is underlined. The balance involves, on the one hand, free radicals and reactive oxygen species and, on the other hand, scavengers capable of neutralizing their effects. This balance is crucial for life, since free radicals are required for some basic reactions (such as the activation of an enzyme involved in DNA synthesis) and since their excess leads to various toxic effects, most notably cancer. Different scavengers can be distributed at various times of the day, their amount possibly peaking at particular times. In fact, circadian rhythms may affect amounts of scavengers, amounts of foreseeable free radicals or the effects the latter can exert on a system. Free radicals are produced by some chains of normal metabolism. They are also produced by a variety of environmental stresses, UV light, chemicals, drugs, etc.
Life sciences.
edited by Thérèse Vanden Driessche, Jean-Luc Guisset, Ghislaine M. Petiau-de Vries.