1 Health care and its problems --; 2 Primary care: a special field --; 3 What is primary care? Content and implications --; 4 Who comes and why? Self-care and primary care --; 5 Work: quantity and quality-manpower policies --; 6 The nature and natural history of common diseases --; 7 Cure and care --; 8 Prescribing --; 9 The hospital-primary care interface --; 10 Community social services --; 11 The primary care team --; 12 Premises and organization --; 13 Prevention and postponement --; 14 Education and learning --; 15 How much care? Present state and future needs.
Medicine is news. There is constant public interest in health and disease; in medical miracles and in breakthroughs; in medical disasters, failures and malpraxis ; in deficiencies and defects ofhealth services; and in the rising costs ofhealth care. Medicine is 'big business'. Physicians co me out near the top money earners in most medical care systems. In the Uni ted Kingdom the National Health Service (NHS) now costs over [6000 million a year (