Front Cover ; Genetic Control of Insect Pests; Copyright Page ; Table of Contents ; Preface ; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. The principles and dynamics involved in the sterile insect technique; I Mass-rearing; II Sterilization; III Release; IV Dynamics; Chapter 3. Sterilization by irradiation; I Livestock pests; II Agricultural pests; III Public health pests; IV Radiation resistance; Chapter 4. Chemosterilants; I Public health pests; II Agricultural pests; Chapter 5. Hybrid sterility; I Anopheline mosquitoes; II The Aedes mariae complex; III Tsetse fly crosses. IV Teleogryllus crossesV Reduviid bug crosses; Chapter 6. Cytoplasmic incompatibility; I The Culex pipiens complex; II The Aedes scutellaris complex; Chapter 7. Translocations; I General considerations; II Dynamics; III The isolation of translocations; IV Compound chromosomes; Chapter 8. Other methods of genetic control; I Lethal factors; II Meiotic drive and sex distortion; III Species replacement; Chapter 9. Summary and conclusion; References; Subject Index.
Genetic Control of Insect Pests focuses on laboratory and field trials of genetic control methods of insects, which entails the use of insects to control themselves. It particularly describes species-specific and non-polluting genetic methods that have the advantage over most other methods of being efficient when the target insect is in low density, as the released insects have the capacity to search out the wild populations. Composed of nine chapters, the core parts of the book cover the mass-rearing, sterilization, and release of populations in the hope that these will mate with wild po.