Studies in penology, dedicated to the memory of Sir Lionel Fox ...
by the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation ; edited by Manuel López-Rey and Charles Germain.
The Hague
M. Nijhoff
(xi, 239 pages) : portrait
Added t.p.: Études penologiques. English or French.
L'abolition de la peine de mort et le problème de la peine de remplacement, by M. Ancel.--Criminology, criminal policy, and propaganda, by A. Aulie.--Anglo American progress in penitentiary affairs, by S. Bates.--Ahead of his time, by J.V. Bennett.--Réflexions sur la détention préventive, by F. Clerc.--De la privation à la restriction de la liberté, by P. Cornil.--Jeunes adultes et courtes peines, by J. Dupréel.--Society and the treatment of offenders, by T. Eriksson.--Variations sur certaines formes nouvelles de privation de liberté, by C. Germain.--Human dignity in the execution of punishment, by H. Göransson.--The problem of remand in custody for diagnostic purposes, by H.J. Klare.--Mr. Prisoner goes to town, by E.A.M. Lamers.--Analytical penology, by M. López-Rey.--Sir Lionel Fox's work in the Prison Commission, by A.W. Peterson.--Lionel Fox and the International Penal and Penitentiary Commission, by T. Sellin.--Open institutions in Finland, by K.V. Soine.--La fonction rééducative de la peine et la libération conditionnelle, by G. Vassalli.
During almost ten years I was in elose and frequent contact with Lionel Fox, both as Chiefofthe United Nations Section ofSocial Defence and as a friend. He was the permanent Chairman of the United Nations European ConsuItative Group on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, and he came to New York as one of the members of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on the same matter in 1958 and was elected Chairman ofthat body; we were together at the First United Nations Congress and during the preparation of the Second; I went to London quite often and always managed to see him. We became good friends and feit we were working together from different angles for the same purpose. Unlike many senior civil servants ofwell developed countries Lione! Fox was really interested in international activities. He was fully aware that nowadays improvement and progress in the treatment of offenders requires more sources of information and learning than are offered by national tradition and methods. This partly explains the important role he played at international meetings, where his views were always respected.
Études penologiques
by the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation ; edited by Manuel López-Rey and Charles Germain.