Dutch Foreign Policy Since 1815 A Study in Small Power Politics.
Vandenbosch, A.
Springer Verlag
I. Introduction.- II. Formulation and Control of Foreign Policy.- Constitutional Provisions,.- New Policy Brings Fresh Constitutional Revision,.- Practice,.- Procedures in the Chambers,.- Discontent with the Conduct of Foreign Relations,.- Small Power Caution,.- III. The Foreign Office and the Foreign Service.- The Minister of Foreign Affairs,.- The Department of Foreign Affairs,.- The Diplomatic Service,.- World War II and after,.- IV. The New Kingdom and Power Politics.- Power Politics creates a Buffer State,.- Brief Role as a strong Second-Class Power,.- Separation of Belgium,.- V. The Luxembourg Affair.- VI. The Boer War.- VII. The North Sea Declaration.- VIII. The Fortification of Flushing.- IX. Precarious Neutrality in World War I.- Economic Difficulties,.- Netherlands Overseas Trust,.- Requisitioning of Dutch Vessels,.- Menace of War,.- Protection of the Interests of the Nationals of Belligerents,.- Popular Support of Governmental Policy,.- Dutch Fear of Allied Disfavor,.- Revolutionary Disorders,.- Asylum for the German Emperor,.- X. Relations with the Vatican.- XI. Great Netherlands Idea.- Early Pan-Netherlands Movement,.- Pan-Nether- landism and Historical Writing,.- Flemish Activism and Pan-Netherlandism,.- South Africa and Pan- Netherlandism,.- Growth of Afrikaner Nationality,.- Brief Political History, 1910-1939,.- The Netherlands and South Africa in World War II and after,.- XII. The Hague as Peace Laboratory.- XIII. League of Nations Policy.- An Agonizing Reappraisal,.- Early Reactions to the League,.- The Geneva Protocol,.- Limitation of Armaments,.- Support and Failure of Sanctions,.- Flight from the System of Collective Security,.- XIV. Colonies Complicate Small Power Politics I.- The Achinese War,.- Fear of Neutrality Violation by the Russian Fleet,.- Oil Troubles the Waters,.- The Washington Conference,.- Netherlands Indies and China,.- Relations with the Moslem World,.- Difficulties in the west,.- Influence of Dependencies on Netherlands International Position,.- XV. Colonies Complicate Small Power Politics II.- Relations with Japan,.- Japanese Southward Policy,.- Diplomatic Events after the Outbreak of World War II,.- German Occupation of the Netherlands,.- XVI. Relations with Belgium.- Movements for Closer Relations,.- Belgium Desires Revision of the Treaties of 1839,.- Navigation and Control of the Scheldt,.- Belgium Demands at the Paris Peace Conference,.- Dutch Reactions,.- Belgian-Dutch Negotiations under Auspices of the Great Powers,.- The Treaty of 1925,.- Toward Cordial Relations, 1927-1940,.- XVII. Relations with Germany: Failure of Neutrality.- Effect of German Unification on Dutch Security,.- Economic Relations,.- Hitlerian Deceit,.- In Defense of the Neutral Policy,.- XVIII. Reorientation of Policy.- The United Nations,.- Relations with Indonesia,.- Final Abandonment of Neutrality,.- European Integration,.- Conclusion,.