Immunological and Clinical Aspects of Multiple Sclerosis The Proceedings of the Xxv Anniversary Symposium of the Belgian Research Group for Multiple Sclerosis.
Gonsette, R.E.
Springer Verlag
A preliminary report.- 61 Numerical classification of multiple sclerosis.- 62 HLA-determination in twins with multiple sclerosis.- 63 Multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis.- 64 Intellectual impairment in multiple sclerosis.- 65 Multiple sclerosis: a conceptual reappraisal.- 66 A rarely reported multifocal demyelinating disease: pancreatic encephalopathy.- 67 Plaques, necrotic myelopathy and Rosenthal fibre reaction: glial pathology in MS.- 68 Comments on MS-compensation in West Germany.- 69 Multiple sclerosis and CT: a correlative study - preliminary results (43 cases).- 70 Multiple sclerosis and CT: a correlative study - preliminary results (39 cases).- 71 Multiple sclerosis: some preliminary findings of a neurological and medical-sociological prospective research project.- Section VII Posters.- P1 Measles antibodies, anti-proteinase and plasminogen distribution in serum and plasma from patients affected with multiple sclerosis and patients affected with non-neurological disease.- P2 The benign form of multiple sclerosis.- P3 Optic neuritis: laboratory tests for diagnosis and prognosis for the development of multiple sclerosis.- P4 Detection of S-100 protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of animals with acute experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.- P5 Estimation of levels of IgG to multiple sclerosis specific brain antigens in the cerebrospinal fluid of MS patients.- P6 Increased T-helper cell levels in cerebrospinal fluid.- P7 Laboratory test for hyperactivity (HA) in children: is childhood HA related to multiple sclerosis?.- P8 Isoelectric focusing on the CSF gamma-globulins in 2594 patients.- P9 Modulation of immunity in multiple sclerosis: a double-blind levamisole-placebo controlled study in 85 patients.- P10 Brain antigens detected by cerebrospinal fluid from multiple sclerosis patients.- P11 Cell-mediated immunity in progressive forms of multiple sclerosis treated by lympho-plasmapheresis.- P12 Myelin basic protein in cerebrospinal fluid, detected by an enzyme-immunoassay, and its diagnostic value.- P13 Onset-related values of serotonin, ceruloplasmin and 5-HIAA in patients with MS.- P14 Visual evoked potentials: a contribution in the assessment of multiple sclerosis.- P15 Shared antibrain specificities of cerebrospinal fluid and synovial fluid antibodies.- P16 Eye movement disorders in multiple sclerosis and optic neuritis.- P17 Do venous refluxes hurt the brain in MS? The fundamental problem.- P18 Blood-CSF barrier permselectivity and measurement of intrathecal IgG synthesis in multiple sclerosis.- P19 Azathioprine vs. transfer factor in multiple sclerosis patients: preliminary data.- P20 Epidemiology of multiple sclerosis in Italy. A further descriptive study in Barbagia, Sardinia.- P21 Antibrain antibody adsorption on microtitre plates.- P22 Search for viral nucleic acid sequences in the human central nervous systems.- P23 Ultrastructural study of virus-like particles in an acute case of multiple sclerosis.- Author index.
Section I Immunological Aspects of Multiple Sclerosis: Basic Observations.- 1 Auto-immunity.- 2 Occurrence of an internal image of measles haemagglutinin in an anti-idiotype immune response.- 3 Studies on the intrathecal humoral immunity in multiple sclerosis.- 4 Antibody to viral antigens in multiple sclerosis demonstrated by ELISA method.- 5 Cerebrospinal fluid antibodies detect brain antigens.- 6 Immune complexes and the complement factors C4 and C3 in cerebrospinal fluid and serum from patients with multiple sclerosis.- 7 Characterization of circulating immunocomplexes in multiple sclerosis.- 8 Immunoelectrophoretic characterization of immune complexes from CSF of multiple sclerosis patients.- 9 Neurosurgery in the rehabilitation of hyperspasmodic and painful paraplegia in multiple sclerosis. Functional results in selective posterior rhizotomy.- 10 Immunological aspects of multiple sclerosis.- 11 Myelin basic protein and its antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid in experimental allergic encephalopyelitis, multiple sclerosis and other diseases.- 12 Identification of myelin basic protein (MBP) as an antigenic component of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in MS patients.- 13 Sensitization of cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral blood lymphocytes to brain glycolipids in multiple sclerosis.- 14 Interferon production and natural killer (NK) activity in multiple sclerosis.- 15 ?-Albumin in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases - comparison with other brain specific proteins.- 16 The Transferrin-Tau ratio of the CSF.- 17 Auto-antibodies to brain specific proteins.- 18 The effect of monoclonal anti-T cell antibodies on the clinical course of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rats.- 19 Changes of polymorphonuclear neutral proteinase activity in multiple sclerosis patients before and after plasma exchanges.- 20 Acid phosphatase activity of cerebrospinal fluid cells in multiple sclerosis and related neurological disorders.- 21 Influence of human allergic encephalitogenic peptide on platelet aggregation in multiple sclerosis.- 22 The effect of dietary supplementation of enriched marine oil on serum levels of ?-3 and ?-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in multiple sclerosis.- Section II Treatment of the Disease.- 23 Immunological treatments in multiple sclerosis.- 24 Multiple sclerosis incidence material data used in the design of clinical trials.- 25 Long-term treatment with azathioprine in multiple sclerosis patients.- 26 Long-term immunotherapy in MS.- 27 Immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide in multiple sclerosis.- 28 Treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis by the combined application of antilymphocyte serum, azathioprine and prednisone.- 29 Clinical trials of a synthetic polypeptide (copolymer 1) for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.- 30 Lympho-plasmapheresis in multiple sclerosis: effect on clinical and immunological parameters.- 31 Plasmapheresis in multiple sclerosis: cerebrospinal fluid changes after treatment.- 32 Transfer factor treatment in multiple sclerosis: a 3 year prospective double-blind study (1982-1985).- 33 Experiences with immunoglobulin-G infusions in the treatment of acute multiple sclerosis.- 34 Dietary supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids in acute remitting multiple sclerosis.- 35 Essential fatty acids in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of multiple sclerosis patients.- 36 The effect of large dose prednisone therapy on intrathecal IgG production in multiple sclerosis.- 37 Changes in T-cell subsets according to the course of MS and immunosuppressive treatment.- 38 T-lymphocyte subsets in the CSF in various stages of MS.- Section III Spinal Cord Dysfunctions in Multiple Sclerosis.- 39 Clinical and paraclinical assessment of spinal cord dysfunction.- 40 Functional testing of the spinal cord.- 41. Increased flexor reflex and spastic contracture in flexion; mechanisms and management.- 42 Tizanidine, a new antispastic agent: 6 years clinical experience in 152 MS patients.- 43 Objective assessment of the myorelaxant properties of tizanidine.- 44 Is electrical stimulation of the spinal cord useful in MS patients?.- Section IV Monitoring of the Disease.- 45 A silica gel radioimmunoassay determination of cerebrospinal fluid myelin basic protein levels of various demyelinating disease syndromes associated with multiple sclerosis.- 46 T-lymphocyte subpopulations in patients with MS: a study of 84 cases.- 47 Multiple sclerosis cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytes secretion in vitro: effect on myelinated cultures.- 48 Isotopic cisternography in multiple sclerosis: possible correlations with disease course.- 49 Management of acute multiple sclerosis by a long acting intrathecals administered corticosteroid.- 50 Diagnostic value of ?2-macroglobulin crossed immunoelectrophoresis in multiple sclerosis.- 51 The IgG index and the diagnosis of MS: a Bayesian approach.- 52 Neuro-urological problems in MS: diagnosis and treatment.- Section V Ophthalmological Aspects of Multiple Sclerosis.- 53 Central nervous system involvement in clinically pure optic neuritis (a pilot study in 25 patients).- 54 Prognostic value of CSF IgG in monosymptomatic optic neuritis..- 55 Cerebrospinal fluid findings in isolated optic neuritis compared to multiple sclerosis.- 56 Ophthalmological manifestations in multiple sclerosis: a statistical review of 1728 cases (1180 confirmed cases).- 57 Flight of colours-test in MS and NRB patients.- 58 The early diagnostic yield of multimodality evoked potentials: a 4.8 year prospective study on 171 patients.- 59 Effect of heating on VER of multiple sclerosis patients apparently free of optic neuritis.- Section VI Free Communications.- 60 Multiple sclerosis: a case-control study.