List of Contents.- Session 1: Introduction.- Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organisation.- Ministry of University and Research, COST Senior Official of the Republic of Italy.- COST Senior Official Yugoslavaia.- What is COST?.- COST-73 - An Example of European Cooperation: Objectives and Organization of Work in the Project.- Session 2: Radar Systems and Precipitation Measurement.- Radar Measurement and Quality.- Using DSP32C Floating Point Signal Processor as a Radar Video Processor to Build a Modification Kit for Convential Analog Weather Radar.- On the Importance of Noise Figure in Reflectivity Radars.- Operational Radar Measurements of Rainfall: The Accuracy of Point Estimates of Rainfall Rate.- Progressive Method of Precipitation and Its Applications.- Use of Operational Radar Images for Investigations of Convective cells.- Operational Use of Doppler Radar in Veneto Region - Italy.- Analytic Method for Radar Horizon Computation.- Session 3: Telecommunications and displays.- Report by the Cost Project & Telecommunications Working Party.- Weather Radar Data Distribution and Presentation in Austria.- A Meteorological Information Processing System.- Strategy for a Low-COST COST-73 Display System.- External and Internal Distribution of Weather Radar Products at SMHI.- Marketing and Uses of Weather Radar in the UK Meteorological Office.- Session 4: Networking.- Weather radar Coverage and Networking Procedures.- Image Mosaics From Swedish Weather Radars.- A Suggested Architecture for Radar-Meteorological Operative Center.- Overview of Regional Radar Meteorological Activity in Czech Republic.- The Nordic Weather radar Network.- Overview of the National Weather Radar Activities in Romania.- Possible Solutions for an Italian radar Network.- Weather Radar Network in Croatia.- The UK Weather Radar Network - The Current Situation and Future Plans.- International Radar Products.- Experiments to Reveal Regions of Frequent Spurious Radar Echoes in COST-73 Composites.- Session 5: Nowcasting, Weather modification and other uses of radar data.- Potential Benefits of the Products of an Integrated European Weather Radar Network.- Forecasting and Weather Modification Uses of Radar Data.- Development of the Frontiers Precipitation Nowcasting System and Initial Forecast Results.- Nowcasting of Rain with Radar.- A Universal Coordinate System for Hail Suppression Activities in Croatia.- End User Requirements.- A Preliminary Analysis of the Hydrological Utilisation of the Frontiers System.- Development of a Weather Radar Based Rainfall Forecasting Technique for Real-Time Operational Use.- Precipitation Forecasting and Estimation Model Based on the Information Supplied by the Meteorological Radar.- First Results and Future Radar Development in Emilia Romagna Region - Italy.- Session 6: Advanced radar systems.- Advanced Radar Techniques.- Improved Characterisation of Precipitation Type and Intensity with Polarisation Diversity Radar.- Polarisation Radar Estimates of Rainfall: Correction of Errors due to the Bright Band and to Anomalous Propagation.- The DLR Polarimetric Doppler Radar: A Step Toward Operational Use.- Weather Radar System Requirements for Accurate Simultaneous Measurement of ZDR and DP.- Session 7: Weather radar in Europe.- The Recommendation of the COST-73 Project: A Way Ahead for Weather Radar in Europe.- List of Participants.- Seminar Programme.