edited by Gerard Evers, Bert Hees, Joop Schippers.
Springer Netherlands
(231 Seiten)
Introducing Dutch Organisation and Labour Research; G. Evers, et al. Labour Market Research: The Supremacy of Neoclassical Economic Theory; R. Wielers, J. Schippers. Labour Relations Research: Changing Perspectives; A. Nagelkerke, W. de Nijs. Research into the Quality of Work; P. Oeij, et al. Human Resources Management: Evolving Paradigms and Research Issues from an Integrated Stakeholder Perspective; J.K. Looise, J. Paauwe. Theory and Research on Work and Organisation; A.H. van der Zwaan. From Inequality to Pluriformity: Thinking about Gender, Work and Organisations; Y. Benschop, et al. Subject Index.
Research on labour market, labour relations, quality of work, human re sources management, organisation ~f work and related topics has always been an important element in the activities of SISWO. The Netherlands' Universities Institute for Coordination of Research in Social Sciences (SISWO), is a national agency that initiates and supports, both scientifically and organisationally, research endeavours on a great variety of themes. This is done by organising discussion groups, congresses and conferences, expert meetings, newsletters and publications. For the field oflabour and organisation, WESW A, theN etherlands' Uni versities Working Committee on Social Science Research of Labour and Organisation, is the inter-university network that, in close cooperation with SISWO, unites experts from Dutch universities. WESWA and SISWO are convinced that an overview of the Dutch state of the art, in English, will be welcomed by an international audience. This state of the art work on research into labour and organisation in The Netherlands was edited by Gerard Evers, Bert van Hees and Joop Schippers. I do hope that this book will receive the attention both within and outside our country that it deserves.
Industrial management.
Labor economics.
edited by Gerard Evers, Bert Hees, Joop Schippers.