Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 13-17 September 1993, Milan, Italy ECSCW '93
edited by Giorgio Michelis, Carla Simone, Kjeld Schmidt.
Springer Netherlands
(xi, 364 pages)
Do Categories Have Politics? The Language/Action Perspective Reconsidered --; COLA: a Lightweight Platform for CSCW --; Sharing To-Do Lists with a Distributed Task Manager --; Supporting The Design Process Within An Organisational Context --; Improving Software Quality through Computer Supported Collaborative Review --; Design for Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing Environments --; The Designers' Notepad: Supporting and Understanding Cooperative Design --; A Spatial Model of Interaction in Large Virtual Environments --; Culture and Control in a Media Space --; TOSCA Providing organisational information to CSCW applications --; Unpacking Collaboration: The Interactional Organisation of Trading in a City Dealing Room --; Analyzing Cooperative Work in a Urban Traffic Control Room for the Design of a Coordination Support System --; Design for Unanticipated Use ... --; Low Overhead, Loosely Coupled Communication Channels in Collaboration --; A Model for Semi-(a)Synchronous Collaborative Editing --; Informed Opportunism as Strategy: Supporting Coordination in Distributed Collaborative Writing --; Support for Collaborative Authoring via Electronic Mail: The MESSIE Environment --; Participation Equality and Influence: Cues and Status in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Groups --; The Use of Breakdown Analysis in Synchronous CSCW System Design --; An Ethnography Studies of Graphic Designers --; Building Shared Graphical Editors Using the Abstraction-Link-View Architecture --; Beyond Videophones: TeamWorkStation-2 for Narrowband ISDN --; Bringing Media Spaces into the Real World --; ECSCW '93 Directory: Authors and Committee Members.
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is an interdisicplinary research area devoted to exploring the issues of designing computer-based systems that enhance the abilities of cooperating workers to coordinate and integrate their activities in an efficient, effective, and flexible manner. This rigorously selected volume represents both practical and theoretical approaches from many of the leading researchers in the field. As an interdisciplinary area of research, CSCW is characterized by bringing together widely disparate research traditions and perspectives into an arena of collaboration and contention. The selected papers reflect the diverse approaches and cultures of this multi-disciplinary field. This collection will be of interest to a wide audience - because of the huge practical import of the issues and because of the interdisciplinary nature of the problems and the solutions proposed. In particular, the volume will be of interest to researchers and professionals in computing, sociology, cognitive science, and human factors.
Computer science.
Industrial management.
Management information systems.
edited by Giorgio Michelis, Carla Simone, Kjeld Schmidt.