edited by Adriaan van der Burgh and Juriaan Simonis.
Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V.
A kaleidoscopic excursion into numerical calculations of differential equations --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Logistic equation --; 3. Harmonic oscillator --; 4. Wave equations --; 5. Epilogue --; An introduction to the Finite Element Method --; 1. Introduction --; 2. An elementary example --; 3. The 2-dimensional Poisson equation --; 4. Final remarks --; Coupling of sound and structural vibrations --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Governing equations and analysis --; 3. Numerical results and discussion --; Mathematical modeling and dimensional analysis --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Mathematical Modeling --; 3. Dimensional Analysis --; 4. Four-wheel steering --; About difference equations, algebras and discrete events --; 1. Difference equations --; 2. Changing the algebra --; 3 Example on production --; 4. Some graph theory and the spectral theory of matrices --; 5. A stochastic extension --; 6. Counter versus dater description --; 7. The Z-transform --; 8. Conclusions --; Acoustical detection of obstructions in a pipe with a temperature gradient --; 1. Introduction --; 2. The problem --; 3. The model --; 4. Solution --; 5. Results --; 6. Conclusions --; Interior point approach to linear programming: theory, algorithms and parametric analysis --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Central approach to the theory of LP --; 3. A polynomial-time path-following algorithm --; 4. Parametric analysis --; Some reflections on Newton's Method --; 1. Introduction and motivation --; 2. Rational Newton Flows --; 3. Structural Stability --; 4. Newton Graphs --; 5. Characterization of Newton Graphs --; 6. Open problems --; Recurrence and induction in Computer Science --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Strings of Symbols --; 3. Gray codes and recursiveness --; 4. Recursive algorithms.
Computational complexity.
Mathematical optimization.
edited by Adriaan van der Burgh and Juriaan Simonis.