1. Introduction. 2. Seasonal and Longer-Term Changes of Climatic Characteristics in the Caspian Sea Basin. 3. The Caspian Sea and Climatic Processes in the Northern Hemisphere. 4. Forecasting the Caspian Sea Level. 5. Caspian Sea Level and Anticipated Global Warming. Concluding Remarks. Appendix: Fortran Program for Constructing a Linkage Tree. References. Index.
The problem of global and regional climate interactions is receiving increased attention in light of anticipated global warming and its possible environmental and societal consequences. The Caspian Sea Basin is a region where such consequences may be particularly significant. This book traces the complex linkages between climatic changes in the Caspian Sea Basin and global climatic processes. The main focus of this study is the Caspian Sea level (CSL). An unusual rise in the CSL that occurred after 1977 has significantly affected the economy of the region. The question is whether this rise is an indication of anthropogenic global warming, or if it has natural causes. This study is an attempt to identify mechanisms linking the CSL with large-scale processes in the ocean and atmosphere. Emphasis is on interannual and decadal time scales, while longer-term climatic variations are also considered. The final chapter discusses possible changes in the CSL under conditions of greenhouse gas-induced global warming. The book will be of interest to a wide range of scientists working in the fields of hydrology, climatology, meteorology, and environmental science, as well as resource managers and policymakers concerned with climate impacts on water resources and sea level.