Introduction; M.E. Safar, M.F. O'Rourke. 1. Mechanical Stress of the Arterial Wall and Hypertension; S. Laurent. 2. Hypertension and the Conduit and Cushioning Functions of the Arterial Tree; M.F. O'Rourke. 3. Wave Reflections and the Pathophysiology of Hypertension; R.D. Latham, D.M. Slife. 4. Structure of the Arterial System in Hypertension; C.L. Berry, J.A. Sosa-Melgarejo. 5. Cyclic Quasonine Monophosphate, Smooth Muscle Tone and Mechanical Properties of Large Arteries; M.C. Mourlon-Le Grand, B.I. Levy. 6. Signals Regulating Arterial Contractile Function and Growth in Hypertension: Role of Angiotensin II and Nitric Oxide; J.-B. Michel, J.-F. Arnal. 7. Large Arteries and Epidemiological Aspects of Hypertension; W. McFate Smith. 8. Non-Invasive Study of the Local Mechanical Characteristics in Humans; A.P.G. Hoeks. 9. Geometry and Stiffness of the Arterial Wall in Essential Hypertension; M.E. Safar. 10. Arterial System, Left Ventricular Structure and Function; R. Gourgon, A. Cohen-Solal. 11. Autonomic Nervous System and Large Conduit Arteries: Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Aspects; G.M. London, M.E. Safar. 12. Large Arteries and Sodium in Hypertension: Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Aspects; A. Benetos, M.E. Safar. 13. Large Arteries and Calcium in Hypertension: Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Aspects; G.M. London, B.I. Levy. 14. Wave Reflections: Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects; G.M. London, T. Yaginuma. Index.