Modern Methods in Protein Nutrition and Metabolism.
Steven Nissen
Saint Louis
Elsevier Science
(358 pages)
IX. Current Versions of the15N-Glycine Method.
Front Cover; Modern Methods in Protein Nutrition and Metabolism; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Contributors; Preface; CHAPTER 1. Amino Acid Analysis in Food and Physiological Samples; I. Introduction; II. Protein Hydrolysis; III. Analysis of Physiological Samples; IV. Specific Amino Acid Considerations; References; CHAPTER 2. Nitrogen Balance: Concepts and Techniques; I. Introduction; II. Nitrogen Balance: Concepts; III. Nitrogen Balance: Techniques; IV. Conclusions; References; CHAPTER 3. Determination of the Amino Acid Requirements of Animals; I. Introduction. II. Effects of Genotype, Health, Environment, and Social FactorsIII. The Dose; IV. The Response; V. Data Analysis; VI. Conclusions; References; CHAPTER 4. Novel Methods for Determining Protein and Amino Acid Digestibilities in Feedstuffs; I. Introduction; II. Methods for Measuring Apparent Ileal Protein and Amino Acid Digestibilities; III. Methods for Measuring Recovery of Endogenous Protein and Amino Acids at the Distal Ileum; IV. The Mobile Nylon Bag Technique for Determining Nutrient Digestibilities in Feedstuffs; V. Summary; References. CHAPTER 5. Measurement of Protein Digestion in RuminantsI. Introduction; II. Forestomachs; III. Small Intestine; References; CHAPTER 6. Evaluation of Protein Status in Humans; I. Introduction; II. Clinical Indications; III. Nitrogen Balance; IV. Blood Urea Nitrogen; V. Plasma Proteins; VI. Plasma Amino Acids; VII. Stable Isotopes; VIII. Conclusion; References; CHAPTER 7. Surgical Models to Measure Organ Amino Acid Metabolism in Vivo; I. Introduction; II. Canine Model; III. Methods for Estimating Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism; IV. Conclusion; References. CHAPTER 8. Measurement of Whole-Body Protein Content in VivoI. Introduction; II. In Vivo Neutron Activation Analysis; III. Alternative Techniques; IV. In Vivo Total Body Protein Measurements; References; CHAPTER 9. Estimation of Protein Synthesis and Proteolysis in Vitro; I. Introduction; II. Global View of in Vitro Measurements; III. Protein Synthesis; IV. Protein Degradation; References; CHAPTER 10. Isotopic Estimation of Protein Synthesis and Proteolysis in Vivo; I. Introduction; II. Indirect Measurements of Whole Body Protein Turnover. III. Measurement of Tissue Protein Metabolism in Vivo: Direct Labeling and Indirect Nondestructive MeasurementsIV. Heterogeneity of the Free Amino Acid Pooland the Precursor Problem; V. Conclusion; References; CHAPTER 11. 15N-Glycine as a Tracer to Study Protein Metabolism in Vivo ; I. Introduction; II. In Vivo Measurement of Protein Synthesis Rates withAmino Acids; III. Direct Methods; IV. Indirect Methods; V. Route of Administration of 15N-Glycine; VI. Route of Nutrient Administration; VII. Nutritional State of the Subject during the Study; VIII. Which End-Product?
Modern Methods in Protein Nutrition and Metabolism grew out of a series of seminars (Modern Views in Nutrition) held in 1989 at Iowa State University. These seminars and this book were financed primarily through the Wise and Helen Burroughs Lectureship endowment generously established by the late Dr. Wise Burroughs and his wife Helen. This book comprises 12 chapters, and begins with a focus on amino acid analysis in food and physiological samples. Succeeding chapters go on to discuss concepts and techniques on nitrogen balance; determination of the amino acid requirements of animals; and n.
Proteins -- Metabolism -- Research -- Methodology -- Congresses.
Proteins in animal nutrition -- Research -- Methodology -- Congresses.
Proteins in human nutrition -- Research -- Methodology -- Congresses.