IUTAM Symposium on Waves in Liquid/Gas and Liquid/Vapour Two-Phase Systems :
Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Kyoto, Japan, 9-13 May 1994
edited by Shigeki Morioka, Leen Wijngaarden.
Springer Netherlands
(456 pages)
Fluid mechanics and its applications, 31.
(1) Waves in liquid-gas bubble systems including interfacial effects --; Void waves --; Structure and stability of void waves in bubbly flows --; Void and pressure waves in slug flow --; Behavior of void wave on the basis of turbulent liquid-bubbles two-phase flow model --; Acoustic waves --; Linear waves in bubbly liquids --; Surface oscillations of mutually-interacting gas bubbles in a sound field --; On waves of the self-induced acoustic transparency in mixtures of liquid and vapor bubbles --; Pressure waves in bubbly liquids --; Pressure waves in two-phase bubble/slug flows and interphase process --; Structure of shock waves in a liquid containing gas bubbles --; High-frequency nonlinear waves in bubbly liquid --; Numerical simulations and kinetic theory for simple shear motion of bubbly suspensions --; Bouncing and coalescence of two bubbles in pure water --; Interaction of an underwater shock wave with a gas bubble --; (2) Waves in gas(vapor)-droplets systems --; Wave phenomena during droplet impact --; Maximum pressures during hypervelocity liquid-liquid impact --; On travelling waves in two-phase systems --; (3) Waves in film or stratified systems --; Chaotic behavior of waves in two-phase system --; Evolution of time periodic perturbations on films falling down walls --; Thermal control of interfacial instabilities in multilayer thin-film flows --; Hydrodynamic stability of liquid films --; Interfacial wave structure and its effect on transport phenomena in horizontal wavy/annular two-phase flows --; Pressure wave propagation in a separated liquid-gas layer in a horizontal duct --; (4) Waves in liquid-vapor transition --; Dynamics of a single reactive gas bubble --; Stability and nonequilibrium phase transitions in boiling-up systems --; On the perturbations of evaporation waves and liquefaction shocks --; Explosive boiling of a depressurized volatile liquid --; Propagation of waves in a vapor-gas mixture due to evaporation and condensation --; Observations of explosive exsolution in liquids --; (5) Waves with vapor-liquid transition --; Film condensation of the vapor flow behind a shock wave on the shock-tube side wall --; Experiments of vapor-liquid phase transition in a shock-tube --; Theoretical investigation of condensation dynamics in shock tubes --; New modes of periodic shock formation in compressible two-phase flows --; (6) Wave propagation near critical point --; Adiabatic waves in the neighbourhood of the critical point --; Material waves of a fluid in the vicinity of the critical point --; A model of a plug-chain system near the thermodynamic critical point: connection with the Korteweg theory of capillarity and modulation equations --; (7) Waves with low pressure effect --; Behaviour of a liquid under dynamic loading.
Waves in liquid/gas and liquid/vapour two-phase systems have various wave modes, curious propagation characteristics and peculiar mechanisms for destabilizing and stabilizing, due to the composite structure of two-phase systems, the accumulated effects of the local and instantaneous interactions between the phases, and the phase transitions. Knowledge of such waves is important, to understand the fundamental properties of two-phase systems and to prove the validity of models. This book discusses recent results on possible wave modes, their structure and propagation characteristics, and mechanisms for destabilizing and stabilizing in liquid/gas and liquid/vapour two-phase systems.
Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Kyoto, Japan, 9--13 May 1994