Synopsis of the 'Osnovy marksizma-leninizma' with complete index
by Helmut Fleischer.
Springer Netherlands
(111 pages)
Sovietica, Publications of the Institute of East-European Studies University of Fribourg/Switzerland, 20.
First Section The Philosophic Principles of the Marxist-Leninist World-View --; 1 Philosophic Materialism --; 2 The Materialist Dialectic --; 3 Epistemology --; Second Section The Materialist Conception of History --; 4 The Essence of Historical Materialism --; 5 Classes, Class-War and the State --; 6 The Role of the Popular Masses and of the Individual in History --; 7 Social Progress --; Third Section The Political Economy of Capitalism --; 8 Pre-Monopolistic Capitalism --; 9 Imperialism as the Highest and last Stage of Capitalism --; 10 Imperialism Today --; Fourth Section Theory and Tactics of the International Communist Movement --; 11 The World-Wide, Historical Mission of the Working Class --; 13 The Marxist-Leninist Party and its Role in the Class-War of the Worker --; 14 The Policy of the Unity of Action of the Working Class with all Democratic Forces among the People --; 15 The Coalition of the Working Class and the Peasantry under Capitalism --; 16 The Movement of the Peoples for National Liberation from Colonialism --; 17 The Fight of the Peoples of Capitalist Lands for the Conservation of their Sovereignty --; 18 The Fight for the Defence of Democracy in Bourgeois Lands --; 19 The Danger of War and the Peoples' Fight for Peace --; 20 On the Different Forms of the Transition to Socialist Revolution --; Fifth Section Doctrine on Socialism and Communism --; 21 The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Proletarian Democracy --; 22 The Main Economic Tasks during the Period of Transition from Capitalism to Socialism --; 23 The Basic Traits of the Socialist Mode of Production --; 24 The Social-Political and Cultural Phaenotype of Socialist Society --; 25 The Socialist World-System --; 26 The Period of Transition from Socialism to Communism --; 27 On Communist Society --; Subject-Index.
We have once again decided to publish in our series a source-text for the study of Communist ideology. This synopsis of Principles of Marxism Leninism 1 (published at the end of 1959 and widely distributed in the Soviet Union) appears as a sequel to that of the Principles of Marxist Philosphy which I published in 1959 as The Dogmatic Principles of Soviet Philosphy. This book is a corporate work, done by some forty Soviet philosophers, sociologists, economists, Party-theoreticians and propa gandists, under the direction ofO. V. Kuusinen (member of the Praesidium of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union). Except for a few clarifications, we have restricted ourselves to pre senting the most important parts of the original text in an original translation which provides the material, in an authentic and handy 2 form, for our Institute's courses in Sovietology. In comparison to the other parts, the philosophical portions (Sections 1 and 2) have been held to a minimum since they repeat, for the most part, material which is already available in the synopsis of the Principles of Marxist Philosophy. I wish to thank the Rockefeller Foundation for their support which has made possible the research of our Institute as well as the preparation of the present work. J.M. BOCHENSKI 1 The original Russian title is: Osnovy marksizma-leninizma. Ueebnoe posobie (Text book), Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo politieeskoj literatury (State Publishing House for Political Literature), Moskva, 1959,774 pages, 300 000 copies.