Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights = Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L'Homme
the European Commission and European Court of Human Rights = Commission et Cour Europeennes des Droits de L'Homme.
The Hague
Martinus Nijhoff
(824 pages)
Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L?Homme, 9.
I. Basic Texts and General Information --; I. Basic Texts --; II. The European Commission of Human Rights --; III. The European Court of Human Rights --; IV. Principal Developments in the Council of Europe Concerning the Protection of Human Rights --; II Decisions of the European Commission and the European Court of Human Rights --; I. Cases Before the Commission --; II. Case Struck off the List After Being Declared Admissible --; III. Case Having Resulted in a Friendly Settlement --; IV. Cases Brought Before the Court --; III The Convention within the Member States of the Council of Europe --; I. The Convention in the Parliaments of the Member states --; II. The Convention in the Domestic Courts of the Contracting Parties --; Appendix Documentation and Bibliography --; A. Council of Europe Documents --; B. Selective Bibliography of Publications Concerning the European Convention on Human Rights --; Alphabetical Index.
Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L'Homme
Human rights -- Europe -- Periodicals.
Human rights -- European Union countries -- Periodicals.
the European Commission and European Court of Human Rights = Commission et Cour Europeennes des Droits de L'Homme.