a Selection of Papers Contributed to Sections IV, VI, and XI of the Fourth International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Bucharest, September 1971
edited by Radu J. Bogdan, Ilkka Niiniluoto.
Springer Netherlands
(344 pages)
Synthese library, 51.
I: Logic (Section IV) --; An Intensional Interpretation of Truth-Values --; Intensional Descriptions and Relative Completeness in the General Interpreted Modal Calculus MCV --; Singular Terms and Statements of Identity --; Adequate Models for the Non-Fregean Sentential Calculus (SCI) --; Doubts about Some Standard Arguments for Church's Thesis --; II: Probability (Section VI) --; On the Causal Structure of Random Processes --; The Paradox of Anomaly --; Some Problems in the Constructive Probability Theory --; Evidence and Conceptual Change --; Empirically Trivial Theories and Inductive Systematization --; Are Some Propensities Probabilities? --; Questions and Their Pragmatic Value --; Prediction, Complexity, and Randomness --; Rules for Reasonable Belief Change --; III: Language (Section XI) --; Models for Text Grammars --; Tolerance Spaces and Linguistics --; Modal Tic-Tac-Toe --; On Binary Relations in Linguistic and Other Semiotic and Social Systems --; Worlds, Games and Pragmemes: A Unified Theory of Speech Acts --; On Occasional Expressions --; Combinators and Deep Structure --; Linguistic Theory and 'Meaning?Text' Type Models --; Properties of the Derivations According to a Context- Free Grammar --; The Treatment of Reference in Linguistic Description --; Fregean Categorial Grammar --; A Model-Theoretic Approach to Some Problems in the Semantics of Empirical Languages --; Methodological Relevance of Language Models with Expanding Sets of Sentences --; A New Type of Syntactic Projectivity: SD Projectivity --; On the Representation of Generative Grammars as First-Order Theories --; Index of Names --; Index of Subjects.
The Fourth International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philos ophy of Science was held in Bucharest, Romania, on August 29-September 4, 1971. The Congress was organized, under the auspices of the Inter national Union for History and Philosophy of Science, Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, by the Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, the Academy of Social and Political Sciences of the Socialist Republic of Romania, and the Ministry of Education of Romania. With more than eight hundred participating scholars from thirty-four countries, the Congress was one of the major scientific events of the year 1971. The dedicated efforts of the organizers, the rich and carefully planned program, and the warm and friendly atmosphere contributed to making the Congress a successful and fruitful forum of exchange of scientific ideas. The work of the Congress consisted of invited one hour and half-hour addresses, symposia, and contributed papers. The proceedings were organized into twelve sections of Mathematical Logic, Foundations of Mathematical Theories, Automata and Programming Languages, Philos ophy of Logic and Mathematics, General Problems of Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Foundations of Probability and Induction, Methodology and Philosophy of Physical Sciences, Methodology and Philosophy of Biological Sciences, Methodology and Philosophy of Psychological Sciences, Methodology and Philosophy of Historical and Social Sciences, Methodology and Philosophy of Linguistics, and History of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.
A Selection of Papers Contributed to Sections IV, VI, and XI of the Fourth International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Bucharest, September 1971