Report on the activities of the Working-group for data-processing in phytosociology of the International society for vegetation science, 1969-1978
edited by Eddy Maarel, László Orlóci, Sandro Pignatti.
Springer Netherlands
(226 pages)
Advances in vegetation science I ;, 1.
Data-processing in phytosociology: Retrospect and anticipation --; TRGRPS --; An interactive algorithm for group recognition with an example from Spartinetea --; Deux applications en phyto-écologie de la notion de limite 'optimale' --; A system for coding plant species for data-processing in phytosociology --; A numerical classification of European Spartina communities --; Une utilisation possible de l'arbe de portée minimale en phyto-écologie --; On the resolving power of principal component analysis in plant community ordination --; A criterion for monothetic classification of phytosociological entities on the basis of species ordination --; The concept of structure in phytosociology with references to classification of plant communities --; Delimitation and ranking of floristic-sociological units on the basis of relevé similarity --; Application of constancy-species groups for numerical ordering of phytosociological tables --; The synoptic table version --; Ranking species based on the components of equivocation information --; A phytosociological survey of the Irish Molinio-Arrhenatheretea using computer techniques --; TABORD: A program for structuring phytosociological tables --; Automatic classification of phytosociological data on the basis of species groups --; Transformation of cover-abundance values in phytosociology and its effects on community similarity --; Relevé ranking based on a sum of squares criterion --; Hierarchical classification of European sail marsh vegetation based on numerical methods --; Analysis of concentration and detection of underlying factors in structured tables --; Intersection analysis in phytosociology: Computer program and application --; CLUSLA: A computer program for the clustering of large phytosociological data sets --; Elements for a system of data processing in phytosociology and ecology --; Data-processing in phytosociology: conclusions and perspective --; Survey of salt marsh relevés included in the data-bank of the working-group for data-processing --; References to original publications in Vegetatio.
(RANKIN) of equivocation information (1-:) and interaction information (M). The method is described in the present paper for I: and in a previous paper (Orloci, 1976) for M. The results presented in this paper suggest that for Species Rank order Information Percentage of total* species to be weighted according to their suitability to I· M I M r M characterize isolated groups of releves in a phytosocioloƯ 5 7 54.15 2.31 17.97 0.82 gical table, the equivocation information may serve as a 9 5 49.86 23.19 16.55 8.22 3 3 9 47.79 0.56 15.86 0.20 suitable weight. The appropriate formulations are derived 6 4 8 36.18 1.18 12.01 0.42 4 5 3 24.36 59.34 8.09 21.03 and computed for some data from a salt marsh community. 8 6 4 24.25 39.04 8.05 13.84 10 7 I 21.96 71.17 7.29 25.23 7 8 2 18.67 69.01 6.20 24.46 9 10 18.40 6.11 10 6 5.64 16.31 1.87 5.78 References Total 301.00* 282.11 * 100.00 100.00 Feoli, E. 1973. An index for weighing characters in monothetic classifications. (Italian with English summary). Giorn. Bot. Ita!' 107: 263-268. Gower, J.e. 1967. A comparison of some methods of cluster is a monotone, increasing function of sample size if .).
Life sciences.
Plant ecology.
edited by Eddy Maarel, László Orlóci, Sandro Pignatti.