edited by L.I. Lipshultz, J.N. Corriere, E.S.E. Hafez.
Springer Netherlands
(275 pages)
Clinics in andrology, 2.
I. Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Reproductive Tract --; 1. Embryology and Functional Anatomy of Male Reproductive Organs --; II. Disorders of Spermatogenesis and Ejaculation --; 2. Orchiopexy and the Use of a Testicular Prosthesis for the Undescended Testicle --; 3. Epididymovasostomy for Epididymal Obstruction --; 4. Scrotal Exploration, Testis Biopsy and Vasography for Testicular Failure --; 5. Internal Spermatic Vein Ligation for Varicocele --; 6. Bladder Neck Reconstruction for Retrograde Ejaculation --; III. Disorders of Erection, Emission and Vaginal Penetration --; 7. Urethroplasty for Hypospadias --; 8. Genital Reconstruction of Anomalies of the Genitalia other than Hypospadias --; 9. Genital Reconstruction for Traumatic and Infectious Diseases --; 10. The Inflatable Penile Prosthesis for Treatment of Erectile Impotence --; 11. Grafts and Prostheses for Peyronie's Disease --; 12. Corporal Shunts for Priapism --; 13. Vasectomy --; 14. Vasovasostomy --; IV. Gender Reassignment --; 15. Orchiectomy, Penectomy, Vaginoplasty for the Male Transsexual --; V. Benign Disorders of the Male Accessory Glands --; 16. Prostatectomy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia --; 17. Epididymectomy, Seminal Vesiculectomy and Hydrocelectomy for Epididymitis, Seminal Vesiculitis and Hydrocele --; VI. Oncological Surgery --; 18. Penectomy and Groin Dissection for Carcinoma of the Penis --; 19. Orchiectomy and Retroperitoneal Node Dissection for Carcinoma of the Testicle --; 20. Total Prostatectomy for Carcinoma of the Prostate --; 21. Combined Radiotherapy for Carcinoma of the Prostate.
In the last decade, physicians have witnessed a publication will serve as a stimulus to surgeons growing awareness of and concern with diseases of concerned with male reproductive disorders to in the male reproductive tract. Stimulated by this tensify their personal research attempts to develop interest, a refinement and re-evaluation of existing better therapy for diseases referable to the male reproductive system. It is finally hoped that this surgical techniques for treatment of male repro ductive disorders has been concurrently appreci publication will stimulate critical analysis of what ated. Rapid progress in this area has resulted we feel are currently accepted surgical modes of primarily from a cooperative effort from those therapy and to better promote a general inter specialists in the areas of microsurgery, medical change of clinical information referable to these and surgical oncology, endocrinology and neuro disorders. physiology, pathology, immunology, genetics and Those who have provided the text and illustra biochemistry. tions for this volume have contributed a significant As the surgical treatment of diseases and ab amount of work, and we hope that they feel their normalities of the male reproductive system has material has been well used. The editors also wish to expanded, so have the articles describing these often thank Mr.
edited by L.I. Lipshultz, J.N. Corriere, E.S.E. Hafez.