The Biology of the Turbellaria Proceedings of the Third International Symposium Held in Diepenbeek, Belgium.
Schockaert, E.R.
Springer Verlag
50 years of turbellarian research. A brief biography of Tor G. Karling.- Systematics & Zoogeography.- The phyletic status of the Paludicola.- The geographical and bathymetrical distribution of the Fecampiidae (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela).- The taxonomy, zoogeography and biology of Bipalium kewense Moseley, 1878 (Tricladida, Terricola).- A new species of freshwater turbellarian from Africa, predatory on mosquitoes: Mesostoma zariae n. sp. (Typhloplanoida).- Paravortex karlingi sp. no v. from Cerastoderma edule L., in Britain.- Karyological observations on Polyclads.- The karyotypes of Dugesia species from Spain (Turbellaria, Tricladida).- Karyological and taxonomic studies of Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu in the Far East.- Studies on the speciation of the Japanese freshwater planarian Polycelis auriculata based on the analysis of its karyotypes and constitutive proteins.- Studies on the speciation of the European freshwater planarians Polycelis nigra and Polycelis tenuis based on the analysis of enzyme variation by means of isoelectric focusing.- Ecology & Faunistics.- The ecology of the Turbellaria with special reference to the freshwater triclads.- A comparative study of the food niches of lake-dwelling triclads and leeches.- Oxygen availability, redox and the distribution of some Turbellaria Schizorhynchidae and other forms.- Sand dwelling Turbellaria from the Netherlands Delta area.- Notes on the biology of some psammophile Turbellaria of the Black Sea.- On some commensal Turbellaria of the Canadian East Coast.- New England Coelogynoporidae.- Nutrition & Reproduction.- Physiological adaptations to entosymbiosis in three species of graffillid rhabdocoels.- The diet of three species of umagillid neorhabdocoel turbellarians inhabiting the intestine of echinoids.- Reproductive biology of Dugesia sanchezi, a fresh-water planarian from Chile.- Contrasting power of the factors for fission and sexuality in a polyploid planarian.- The embryological development of Turbellaria Kalyptorhyncia (Rhabdocoela).- Regeneration & Differentiation.- The problem of cell totipotency, dedifferentiation and transdifferentiation in Turbellaria.- Quantitative analysis of cell types during growth, degrowth and regeneration in the planarians Dugesia mediterranea and Dugesia tigrina.- Relationship between variations of cAMP, neuromediators and the stimulation of nucleic acid synthesis during planarian (Polycelis tenuis) regeneration.- Cell activation during regeneration of planarians.- Adenylate cyclase in regenerating tissues of the planarian Dugesia lugubris (O. Schmidt).- Ultrastructure.- Morphology of the Turbellaria at the ultrastructural level.- Development of cilia in embryos of the turbellarian Macrostomum.- The system of epidermal ciliary rootlets in Turbellaria.- Ultrastructure of the epidermis of adult and embryonic Paravortex species (Turbellaria, Eulecithophora).- Ultrastructural observations on paracnids. I: Coelogynopora axi Sopott (Turbellaria, Proseriata).- Fine-structural observations on the central parenchyma in Convoluta sp.- The ultrastructure of the eyes in larval and adult polyclads (Turbellaria).- Ultrastructure of the eye of Urastoma cyprinae (Turbellaria, Alloeocoela).- Observations on the ultrastructure of the copulatory organ of Archilopsis unipunctata (Fabricius, 1826) (Proseriata, Monocelididae).- Fine structure of the giant aflagellate spermatozoon in Pseudostomum quadrioculatum (Leuckart) (Platyhelminthes, Prolecithophora).- Index Auctorum.