Proceedings of the Conference on Subretinal Space, Jerusalem, October 14-19, 1979
edited by H. Zauberman.
Springer Netherlands
(322 pages)
Documenta ophthalmologica., Proceedings series ;, 25.
Basic problems related to subretinal space --; The retinal circulation: past, present and future. The Fifth Abraham Albert Ticho Lecture --; Pathology of the sub-retinal space --; Proteins of the bovine interphotoreceptor matrix --; Pigment epithelium, retina junction and photoreceptor distribution in man and in the horse. Histological, ultrastructural and electrophysiological study --; Retinal re-attachment forces created by absorption of subretinal fluid --; Metabolic factors in the maintenance of retinal adhesion --; Tracer movement across the rabbit retina --; Perfusion of the choriocapillaries through the vortex vein --; Regeneration and metabolic activity of pigment epithelium in vitro --; The biochemistry of photoreceptor cells. Metabolic effects of light stimulation and light damage --; Chemical factors in the intertissue vascular relationships in the developing eye. A preliminary report --; Neovascularization of subretinal space --; Neovascularization, a unitarian phenomenon --; Experimental subretinal neovascularization --; Randomized controlled study of partial laser RX of choroidal neovascularization in the histoplasmosis ocular syndrome --; The treatment of exudative senile maculopathy by red continuous krypton laser (647 nm) --; Parafoveolar subretinal neovascularization: feasibility study of argon laser treatment --; Retinal detachment retinopathy --; Subretinal fluid: origin, composition and studies on retinol-binding protein --; Immunoglobulins of the subretinal fluid. Their significance for the prognosis of the surgical treatment of retinal detachment --; Seasonal variations on the Cortisol concentration of the subretinal fluid in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment --; Drainage of subretinal fluid. A comparison of external and internal observation techniques --; Compensibility in traumatic retinal detachment --; Cryotherapy for treatment of lattice degeneration --; Factors influencing the final visual acuity following retinal detachment surgery --; Surgical management of retinal detachment without inducing chorioretinal scars --; Degenerations of subretinal space --; Pigment epithelium and rod outer segment cell-surface interactions in normal and RCS rats --; The metabolic and cellular basis of gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina --; Management of patients with congenital cone deficiency (achromatopsia with amblyopia) --; Classification and prognosis in retinitis pigmentosa --; Characterizing the c-wave of the electroretinogram --; Miscellaneous --; The ultrastructure of fenestrations in endothelial choriocapillaries of the rabbit. A freeze-fracturing study --; Subretinal fat and Coats' disease --; Binocular diplopia associated with subretinal neovascular membranes --; Pars plana vitrectomy in the treatment of vitreogenic aphakic cystoid macular edema --; A summary of therapeutic possibilities in the chronic retinopathies. Histological basis for hope.
The Conference on Subretinal Space, held between October 14 and 19, 1979, was organized to bring into the forefront some of the developments in basic and c1il')ical sciences in this field. Indeed the interaction between choroid, pigment epithelium and sensory retina in terms of the physical adherence between the tissues, transport of materials and changes produced by the growth of new vessels, fluid penetration, light damage, etc. are some of the outstanding ophthalmic problems of today. We hope that the proceedings of this Conference may be of some help in providing better understanding both of the subretinal space and of its boun daries. HANAN ZAUBERMAN, M.D. CONTENTS Preface, H. Zauberman v Basic problems related to sub retinal space The retinal circulation: past, present and future. The Fifth Abraham Albert Ticho Lecture, Paul Henkind ... ... Pathology of the sub-retinal space, Mark O.M. Tso ... 11 Proteins of the bovine interphotoreceptor matrix, Alice J. Adler & Katherine M. Severin 25 Pigment epithelium, retina junction and photoreceptor distribution in man and in the horse. Histological, ultrastructural and electrophy siologicai study, J. Franr;ois, V. Victoria-Troncoso, A. De Rouck, L. Wouters & A.