Proceedings of the EC Contractors' Meeting held in Brussels, 16-17 November 1982
edited by R. Overstraeten, W. Palz.
Springer Netherlands
(309 pages)
Solar energy R & D in the European Community., Series C,, Photovoltaic power generation ;, 3.
Review Papers --; Review paper on?ilicon cells --; Review paper on thin film solar cells --; Review paper on photovoltaic module technology, system studies and concentrator devices --; Silicon Cells --; a) Cell process development --; Development of new techniques for silicon solar cell fabrication --; Study of mono- or polycrystalline solar cell process using screen printing technology --; Technology of amorphous silicon thin films for solar cells and applications to power systems --; b) Ion implantation --; Ion implantation without mass analysis and laser annealing for fabrication of silicon solar cells --; Investigation on the potentiality offered by ion implantation and electron beam annealing to obtain high efficiency solar cells --; An experimental investigation of ion implantation combined with laser and incoherent-light annealing, and of laser-induced diffusion for the production of solar cells --; Optimization of polycrystalline silicon solar cells produced by ion-implantation and pulsed laser annealing --; Low cost implantation into silicon --; c) Material --; Design, construction and optimization on the industrial prototype scale of a furnace able to produce polycrystalline silicon ingots as material for solar cells --; Classification of crystal defects in solar base material with diamond lattice --; Implementation of low cost semi crystalline silicon solar cells --; Optimization of processing conditions of solar cells versus physical properties of relatively low cost silicon --; Continuous production of photovoltaic silicon ribbons by the new pendant drop growth (PDG) method --; Growth and solar cell aspects in relation to polycrystalline silicon ribbons grown by the RAD process --; d) Modules --; Studies relating to new encapsulation materials --; Encapsulation of photovoltaic solar cell modules --; R & D work on the encapsulation of solar cells with improved potting and cover materials --; Alternative Celts --; a)? --; Si --; Photogeneration in amorphous silicon solar cells --; Atomic transport in and stability of amorphous silicon solar cells --; Generateur photovoltaïque au silicium amorphe hydrogène --; Development of sputtered thin-film a-Si solar cells --; Preparation, study and characterization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon for photovoltaic cells --; b) CdS --; Cu2S --; Studies to improve the efficiency of Cu2S-CdS spray solar cells --; Electrochemical preparation of cuprous sulfide --; Electrophoretically deposited thin films for low cost solar cells --; c) CdSe --; Development of a CdSe thin film solar cell --; System Studies --; Optimization research into a complete photovoltaic generator/consumer appliance system for small independent electricity supply --; Development of a microcomputer for the control of a photovoltaic power station --; Feasibility study for small solar cell operated units --; Photovoltaic system for a solar house --; Hybrid thermal and photovoltaic concentration collector --; Concentration --; Test and demonstration of concentrating photovoltaic generators SOPHOCLE under Mediterranean climatic conditions --; Conversion of solar energy using fluorescent collectors: installation of a test collector to deliver several watts power --; Holographic thin film system for multijunction solar cells --; High concentration P.V. 100 Wp module making use of spectrum splitting and Si-GaAlAs coupled cells --; List of Participants.
Proceedings of the EC Contractors' Meeting held in Brussels, 16-17 November 1982