Chambre syndicale de la recherche et de la production du pétrole et du gaz naturel.
(84 pages)
Case 1 Logs showing the beginning of an oil kick --; Case 2 Detection of a water kick after swabbing at a pipe connection --; Case 3 Using the chromatograph to detect abnormal pressures in undercompacted series --; Case 4 Using calcimeters --; Case 5 Entry into a gas reservoir and kick control while tripping --; Case 6 Using resistivity measurements for the detection of salt beds --; Case 7 Circulating out a gas kick --; Case 8 Gas kick resulting in formation fracturation after closing the BOP --; Case 9 Water flowing well --; Case 10 Using temperature measurements and 'd' exponent calculations for the detection of undercompacted shales --; Case 11 Drilling through an evaporitic series --; Case 12 Drilling through a shaly sand series with interbedded salt layers becoming massive salt --; Case 13 Diamond-Bit turbodrilling through an evaporitic series --; Case 14 Drilling through a sandstone series with salt-cemented sand layers.
Oil well drilling.
Oil well logging.
Chambre syndicale de la recherche et de la production du pétrole et du gaz naturel.
Chambre syndicale de la recherche et de la production du pétrole et du gaz naturel.