Theory and Decision Library, An International Series in the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 50.
I / Philosophy and Logic --; On Some Limits and Resources of Common-Sense Psychology --; Probability and Proportions --; Why Substitutional Quantification Does Not Express Existence --; II / Methodology of Social Sciences --; Ideology and Science --; Some Imperfections in the Scientific Communication System and a Possible Remedy --; Value-Free vs. Value-Conscious Social Sciences --; III / Economics and Social Issues --; Public Bads and Socio-Moral Reasoning: The Case of the New Social Movements in Germany --; The Impact of Computers on Job Opportunities: An Analysis of Employment Trends, 1972-1982 --; Insurance without Utility Theory --; IV / Game and Decision Theory --; Three Theorems on the Theory of Cardinal Utility and Random Choice --; Chairman Paradoxes under Approval Voting --; Some Recent Developments in Game Theory --; Foundations of Preference --; What Does Arrow's Impossibility Theorem Tell Us? --; Choice Processes, Computability and Complexity: Computable Choice Functions --; Curriculum Vitae Werner Leinfellner --; Werner Leinfellner:Selected Bibliograph --; Index of Names --; Index of Subjects.
This collection of articles contains contributions from a few of Werner Leinfellner's many friends and colleagues. Some of them are former students of Werner's. Others were colleagues of his at various American and European universities. Further, some have come to know Werner through his research, his long-standing editorship of Theory and Deci sion and his extensive participation in international conferences and congresses. The following articles are new to this volume. The areas covered are those in which Werner continues to play an active professional role. We offer them as a tribute to the many and multi-faceted contributions to the scientific enterprise for which Werner Leinfellner is so widely known. We believe such a festschrift to be fitting and long overdue. Because of the breadth of Werner's professional associations, it was difficult to select representatives from among his many spheres of influence. We apologize to the many scholars who could not be in cluded because of time and space considerations. Finally, we wish to express appreciation to Dean John Guilds of the University of Arkansas for providing financial support early on in the evolution of this project, to Jennifer Bauman for her bravura performance in copy-editing the manuscripts, and to our publisher at Reidel for bringing this volume to press.