NATO ASI series., Series E,, Applied sciences ;, 165.
1 Fundamentals of Hydraulic Physical Modelling --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Principles of the Theory of Dimensions --; 3. Principles of the Theory of Similarity --; 4. Hydraulic Models --; 5. Further Approaches to Hydraulic Model Design --; 2 River Models --; 1. Non Maritime Models with Fixed Bed --; 2. Sediment Transport in Rivers --; 3. River Models with Movable Bed --; 3 Models for Study of the Dynamic Behaviour of Structures in Flow and Waves --; 1. Introduction in the Held of Hydro-Elasticity --; 2. The Single Resonator in a Flow Field --; 3. Response Calculations at Random Excitation --; 4. Introduction to Added Mass, Added Damping, Added Rigidity and Self-Excitation --; 5. Models with Elastic Similarity for the Investigation of Hydraulic Structures --; 6. The Use (Applicability and Limitations) of Physical Models in Vibration Research --; 7. Interpretation of Results --; 8. Cavitation Research --; 9. Strategy for Vibrations-Free Design of Larger Gate Structures --; 10. New Developments in the Field of Modelling Hydro-Elasticity --; 4 Models for Study of the Hydrodynamic Actions on Hydraulic Structures --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Hydrodynamic Actions on Stilling Basins --; 3. Dynamic Analysis --; 4. Hydraulic Modelling of Hydrodynamic Actions --; 5 Density Models --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Modelling Principles --; 3. Scale and Boundary Effects --; 4. Limitations --; 5. Model Specifications --; 6. Applications --; 7. Case Studies --; 6 Tidal Models --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Model Laws --; 3. Boundary Conditions --; 4. Operation of Tidal Models --; 5. Instrumentation. Data Acquisition and Model Control --; 6. Case Studies --; 7 Hybrid Modelling as Applied to Hydrodynamic Research and Testing --; 1. Introduction --; 2. The Design of the Demonstration Hybrid Model --; 3. The Construction of the Demonstration Hybrid Model --; 4. Experimentation with the Hybrid Model --; 5. Other Tidal Control Machines --; 6. Future Plans --; 7. Hybrid Applications --; 8. Future Aspects of Hybrid Modelling and Conclusions --; 8 Wave Grouping and Harbour Design. Safe Underkeel Allowances for Vessels in Restricted Depths --; I --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Real Sea Measurements --; 3. Random Wave Model --; 4. Real Time Set-Down Compensation --; 5. Experimental Results --; 6. Application to a Physical Model --; 7. Conclusions --; II --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Background to the Dover Strait Study --; 3. Acceptable Risk Factor --; 4. Wave Climate in the Dover Strait --; 5. Ship Responses in Waves --; 6. Water Depth Uncertainties --; 7. Vessel Squat --; 8. Calculation of Underkeel Allowances --; 9. Conclusions --; 9 Sea Wave Simulation --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Sea Wave Characterization --; 3. Computer Simulation --; 4. Physical Model Simulation --; 5. Topics on Multidirectional Simulation --; 6. "Deterministic" and "Non-Deterministic" Simulation --; 10 Dynamic Actions on Breakwaters (Rubble-Mound and Caisson/Composite Type Breakwaters) --; 1. Rubble-Mound Breakwaters --; 2. Caisson/Composite Breakwaters --; 11 Physical Modelling of Littoral Processes --; 1. Abstract --; 2. Introduction --; 3. Coastal Processes-An Overview --; 4. Modelling Facilities --; 5. Hydrodynamic Physical Models --; 6. Littoral Process Models --; 7. Model Testing Procedures --; 8. Conclusion --; Final Remarks --; Annexes --; Annex 1 --; Introductory words --; Annex 2 --; Panel sessions/round tables --; Annex 3 --; Non-usual hydraulic models --; Annex 4 --; Higher order wave generation in laboratory experiments --; Annex 5 --; List of participants.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Lisbon, Portugal, July 4-15, 1988