John of the Cross and the Cognitive Value of Mysticism :
an Analysis of Sanjuanist Teaching and its Philosophical Implications for Contemporary Discussions of Mystical Experience
by Steven Payne.
Springer Netherlands
(268 pages).
New Synthese Historical Library, Texts and Studies in the History of Philosophy, 37.
One / John of the Cross --; 1.1. Preliminary Remarks --; 1.2. The Man --; 1.3. The Texts --; Two / The Doctrine of St. John of the Cross: The Structure of the Human Person --; 2.1. The Sensory Part of the Soul --; 2.2. The 'Spiritual Part' of the Soul --; Three / The Doctrine of St. John of the Cross: The Dynamics of Spiritual Development --; 3.1. The Starting Point: Human Existence as 'Fallen' --; 3.2. The Stages and Means of Spiritual Growth --; 3.3. The Goal of Religious Development --; Four / Some Transitional Observations on the Nature of Christian Mysticism and the Data to Be Explained --; 4.1. Toward a More Adequate Characterization of Christian Mysticism --; 4.2. The Data to Be Explained --; Five / Some Objections Considered --; 5.1 Objections Based on the Problem of Inter-Subjective Agreement --; 5.2. Objections Based on the Issue of Testability --; 5.3. Other Objections --; Six / Mysticism and the Explanatory Mode of Inference --; 6.1. Explanations and the Explanatory Mode of Inference --; 6.2. Competing Explanations of Mysticism --; 6.3. The Reasonableness of Accepting Mysticism as a Cognitive Mode of Experience --; Seven / Conclusions --; Index of Names --; Index of Subjects.
Among Anglo-American philosophers, interest in mysticism has typically been limited to the question of whether or not mystical and religious experi ences provide evidence for, or knowledge of, the existence and nature of God. Most authors conclude that they do not, because such experiences lack certain qualities needed in order to be counted as cognitive. In this study I examine some current philosophical opinions about mysticism and objec tions to its epistemic significance in the context of a detailed study of the writings of a single mystical author, the Spanish Carmelite Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591). I argue that from his works one can draw a coherent theory of what takes place in the Christian mystical life, and will indicate how acceptance of this theory might be defended as rational through a type of inference often referred to as the "Argument to the Best Explanation." In this way I hope to show that mysticism still has a significant bearing on the justification of religious faith even if it cannot be used to "prove" the exis tence of God. The nature and advantages of my own somewhat unusual approach to mysticism can perhaps best be explained by contrasting it with the way other authors have dealt with the subject. One of the most striking develop ments in recent decades has been the growing fascination with mysticism, meditation, and the experiential aspects of religion.