Proceedings of the Conference held in Bandar Seri Begawan, April 1993
edited by D.S. Edwards, W.E. Booth, S.C. Choy.
Springer Netherlands
(570 pages)
Monographiae biologicae, 74.
Preface. Biodiversity. Tropical Forest Dynamics: The Faunal Components; N.E. Stork. The Biodiversity of Arthropods from Australian Rain Forest Canopies: Some Results on the Role of the Tree Species; R.L. Kitching, J. Zalucki. Describing and Comparing High Invertebrate Diversity in Tropical Forest - a Case Study of Small Moths in Borneo; G.S. Robinson, K.R. Tuck. The Herbaceous Ground Flora of the Batu Apoi Forest Reserve, Brunei Darussalam; A.D. Poulsen. Wild Bees of Brunei Darussalam; D.W. Roubik. Australian Monsoon Rainforest Mammals and Possible Implications for the Conservation of Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity; D.M.J.S. Bowman, J.C.Z. Woinarski. Presbytis Species Sympatry in Borneo Versus Allopatry in Sumatra: An Interpretation; D. Brandon-Jones. Diversity of Sound-Producing Insects in a Bornean Lowland Rain Forest; K. Riede. The Arthropod Community of Bamboo Internodes in Peninsular Malaysia: Microzonation and Trophic Structure; D. Kovac, B. Streit. The Avifauna of the Belalong Forest, Brunei Darussalam; C.F. Mann. Terrestrial Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidea) of Poring, Kinabalu Park, Sabah; M. Mohamed, et al. Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Butterfly Diversity in a Lowland Tropical Rainforest; A.G. Orr, C.L. Haeuser. A Quantitative Inventory of Trees in One Hectare of Mixed Dipterocarp Forest in Temburong, Brunei Darussalam; A. Dalberg Poulsen, et al. Forest Bird Diversity in Oceania; J. Kikkawa. The Fauna and Flora of a Semi-Deciduous Forest in Perlis, Peninsular Malaysia; D. Sharma, et al. Brunei and Biodiversity - the Kew-Brunei Checklist Project; M.J.E. Coode, et al. Stalk-eyed Flies: Caprices of Evolution? D. Burkhardt, I. de la Motte. Small Mammal Diversity in Riparian and Dipterocarp Habitats in Belalong Forest, Brunei Darussalam; J.K. Charles. Species Radiation of Predatory Empidoids (Insecta, Diptera) in Lowland Rainforest in Northern Papua New Guinea; P. Grootaert. The Theory and Practice of Estimating Regional Species Richness from Local Samples; N. Mawdsley. Rainforest Dynamics. Rainforest Dynamics: The Need for New Paradigms; P.J. Grubb. The Interaction of Rainfall, Tree Diameter and Sulphuric-Acid Treatments on Resin Yield of Palosapis (Anisoptera thurifera (Blanco) Blume spp. thurifera); A.B. Ella. Preliminary Studies of Altitudinal Zonation and Nitrogen Supply on Bukit Belalong, Brunei Darussalam; C.A. Pendry, J. Proctor. Soil Conditions, Erosion and Nutrient Loss on Steep Slopes Under Mixed Dipterocarp Forest in Brunei Darussalam; S.M. Ross, A. Dykes. Construction of a Low-Cost Runoff and Sediment Monitoring Plot; A.K. Sayok, N. Bingeding. The Growth Performance of Four Dipterocarp Species under Different Terrain and Shade Conditions; L.E. Hai, et al. Variation in Reproductive Success of Gynodioecious Figs (Ficus spp., Moraceae) and Their Pollinators (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) in New Guinea; G.D. Weiblen. Interactions Between Lycaenid Butterflies and Ants in Peninsular Malaysia; K. Fiedler. A Quantitative Survey of the Termite Assemblage and its Consumption of Food in Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest of Brunei Darussalam; D.T. Jones. Resource Use in a Freshwater Fish Community of a Tropical Rainforest Stream in Northern Borneo; S.C. Choy, et al. Spatio-Temporal Resource Utilization by a Bornean Rainforest Herpetofauna: Preliminary Results; I. Das. The Altitudinal Distribution of Forest Tree Families on the Western Slopes of Mount Banahao, Luzon, Philippines; E.G. Aragones. Interspecific Colony Dispersion and Niche Relations of Three Large Tropical Rain Forest Ant Species; R. Levy.
This volume contains 53 of the papers presented at the Conference on Tropical Rainforest Research - Current Issues, which was held in Brunei Darussalam in April 1993. The book provides an overview of current knowledge, particularly with respect to south-east Asia, and is divided into three sections - Biodiversity, Forest Dynamics and Socioeconomics. The Biodiversity section emphasises the vast range of life forms in tropical forests and considers the theory and practice of estimating species richness and spatial distribution, while contributions on Forest Dynamics provide a better understanding of the maintenance of this species richness. With an improved background of ideas on rainforest dynamics and biodiversity, better management and conservation strategies are possible, and some of these are explored in the papers on Socioeconomics. The need to demonstrate the total worth of tropical forests to ensure their conservation is taken up by a number of contributors.
Proceedings of the conference held in Bandar Seri Begawan, April 1993