Adapting to Change : Proceedings of an international conference ('SUBTECH '87-- Adapting to Change') organized jointly by the Association of Offshore Diving Contractors and the Society for Underwater Technology, and held Aberdeen, UK, 10-12 November 1987.
Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)
Springer Netherlands
(328 pages)
Advances in underwater technology, ocean science, and offshore engineering, 14.
I An Overview of R & D, Past, Present and Future --; 1 Sources of funding for research and development in oil and gas technology --; 2 The funding of the Hydra-Lok swage pile connection development --; 3 The drill support tooling module project --; II Reassessment of Standards and Operating Practices --; 4 Review of standards, codes, requirements and regulations --; their impact on underwater projects --; 5 Standardization --; Norwegian experience by Nifo --; Norsk Industriforening for Oljeselskap --; 6 Code of practice for the safe and efficient operation of remotely operated vehicles --; 7 Adapting ROV operations procedures to today's market --; 8 Using project management as a tool --; a necessity in today's underwater contracting industry --; 9 The CSWIP scheme: a personal view from the Chairman of the Board --; III Saturation Diving --; 10 Higher efficiency through improved diver transportation --; 11 Standards for underwater breathing apparatus --; 12 Monitoring of bacterial status and antibacterial cleaning of saturation diving systems --; 13 HYDRA 8: Pre-commercial hydrogen diving project --; 14 Diver selection for deep dives (below 300 msw) --; 15 Saturation diving: diving deeper than 300m --; IV Diving Shallower Than 50m --; 16 Mathematical modeling of tissue bubble dynamics during decompression --; 17 An evaluation of automatic recording of commercial air-diving data --; 18 Civil engineering working practices and standards --; 19 The future of diver training --; 20 Decompression sickness in commercial air divers. The present status of the Shields/Lee report --; 21 Clinical presentations and significance of decompresssion sickness: an analysis of incidents from commercial diving operations 1977-87 --; V Developments in Underwater Intervention(Including Robotic Systems) --; 22 Design installation and operation of an ROV- operated subsea production system in 450 msw --; 23 The role of two new autonomous diving systems in underwater intervention --; 24 Wellman: the subsea intervention system --; 25 An overview of current projects in the field of diverless subsea production systems --; 26 Advanced robotics under water: the DTI initiative --; 27 New developments in flooded member detection --; 28 Progress of automation in remote intervention tasks --; 29 Operational automatic hyperbaric welding --; VI Diversification and Innovation --; Adapting to Change --; 30 Resources from the sea programme --; a technical challenge --; 31 The return of the manned submersible --; a new dawn? --; 32 Seabed contact vehicles --; 33 Diversification and innovation: adapting to change --; or the view of one small business --; 34 University/Industry/Government Interfaces --; Joint R & D Projects --; Do They Work?
To maintain quality in research output, providing the necessary new knowledge for our developing industries must be of prime importance to our community. This is an extremely difficult task when viewed in the context ofthe rapid rate of change being experienced within our national industrial scene. Collaborative research programmes designed to constantly monitor and improve the quality of output, through regular reporting and assessment of achieved goals against defined targets, can help the growth of our industry and benefit the rest of society. The government has established initiatives to encourage collaboration and the transfer of technology between the research and development domains. There are many signs that industry and the universities are making a concerted effort to adapt their working practices and relationships to meet the rapidly changing industrial environment. There are still many shortfalls and areas for improvement. Some of the extremes of government educational policy can, and will, seriously impair the evolution of, and benefits gained from, the collabo ration initiatives. These must be resisted by academe and industry alike if we are to make new advances against foreign competition. Joint R. and D. projects do work, and can be made to work. To achieve the steady growth of healthy and fruitful relationships they must, however, be given a good environment and a nourishing diet. REFERENCES 1. Alvey Programme Annual Report(s), Alvey Directorate, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QU. 2. Annual Review o{ Government Funded R. & D. (1985). (From the Cabinet Office), Her Majesty's Stationery Office.