Proceedings of the International Conference: "The Meeting Point Between Fundamental and Applied in vitro Culture Research", held at Amiens (France), July 10.12, 1989
edited by R.S. Sangwan, B.S. Sangwan-Norreel.
Springer Netherlands
(500 pages)
Current plant science and biotechnology in agriculture, 8.
Special essay --; Tissue culture, molecular biology and plant biotechnology --; A Historical overview --; Section 1. Plant regeneration --; A) Micropropagation --; Application of in vitro techniques for the production and the improvement of horticultural plants --; How important is photosynthesis in micropropagation? --; In vitro radiation-induced mutagenesis in potato --; Micropropagation status in Beta vulgaris L. via leaf axis tissue culture --; Application of in vitro multiplication for the annual vegetable crops associated with classical breeding --; B) Haploidy and somatic embryogenesis --; Gene expression during anther and pollen developmental transformations in rice --; Field experiments with DH-lines in barley with ml-o powdery mildew resistance --; Anther culture of Lolium perenne and Lolium multiflorum --; Stress-induced carrot somatic embryos and their applicability to synthetic seed --; Developmental mutants --; New approach towards controlling somatic embryogenesis in certain agronomically important plants --; In vitro culture of wheat and rice for understanding the molecular basis of somatic embryogenesis and for transformation --; Calcium and calmodulin during carrot somatic embryogenesis --; Section 2. Plant genetic engineering --; Genomic reorganization induced by plant tissue culture --; Mutants in the biosynthesis of animo acids --; Genetic engineering of rice --; Microscopic observations of fusion process of rice and lettuce protoplasts --; Genetic transformation and plant improvement --; Potential transformation systems in Dactylis glomerata --; Sunflower transformation: A study of selectable markers --; Direct gene transfer and gene rescue in sugarbeet protoplasts --; Cauliflower mosaic vins: Biology and applications --; Salinity and drought stress in rice --; Prospects for the genetic manipulation of metabolic pathways leading to secondary products --; Section 3. Special topics --; The cytoskeleton: Importance for plant cell and protoplast research --; Glyphosate tolerance in plant cell cultures --; Section 4. Cryopreservation of plant cells --; Ciyopreservation of plant cell cultures. The importance of pretreatments --; Section 5. Abstracts --; Abstracts.
In 1988, we were contacted by the "Societe Botanique de France" and the French section of The International Association of Plant Tissue Culture (IAPTC) to organise a symposium on "Biotechnology and its impact in Agriculture". The committee members of these two French associations had the vision to realize that this was a time to depart from the traditional themes in plant science. Moreover, since one of the major areas of our interest for the past few years has been that of "Plant biotechnology", we welcomed the idea of organizing this meeting. Another reason for the acceptance of this challenge was the location of Amiens in Picardy, and the enthusiasm of the local governing authorities. Picardy region is one of the major agricultural zones in France, and indeed of Europe. This fact and several other aspects of Picardy Agriculture suggested that this conference would be an excellent opportunity to combine the basic aspects of plant tissue culture and genetic engineering with the applications for plant improvement.
Proceedings of the International Conference The Meeting Point between Fundamental & Applied In Vitro Culture Research; Amiens, France, July 10-12, 1989