edited by A. Bayés Luna, P. Brugada, J. Cosin Aguilar, F. Navarro-Lopez.
Springer Netherlands
Developments in cardiovascular medicine, 110.
1. Sudden cardiac death 1990: An update --; 2. Epidemiology of sudden cardiac death --; 3. Out-of-hospital sudden death in Spain --; 4. Thrombosis, antithrombotic therapy and sudden death --; 5. The potential for antiarrhythmic drugs to reduce mortality from sudden cardiac death --; 6. Value of beta-blockers in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias --; 7. Psychological stress and sudden cardiac death --; 8. Acute and chronic components of ischaemia in acute ischaemic syndromes --; 9. Markers and trigger mechanisms of sudden cardiac death: Excercise and sports activity --; 10. Lessons from recordings of sudden death by Bolter monitoring --; 11. Profile of the candidate for sudden cardiac death --; 12. Sudden death in patients with intraventricular conduction disorders --; 13. Acute drug test --; 14. Malignant ventricular arrhythmias: Serial electrophysiologic testing --; 15. Non pharmacological treatment of ventricular tachycardia --; 16. Fulguration of chronic ventricular tachycardia. Results on 53 consecutive cases with a follow-up ranging from 8 to 70 months --; 17. Transcoronary chemical ablation of tachycardias --; 18. Sudden death and the autonomic nervous system: The prognostic value of heart rate variability --; 19. Ventricular electrical instability: Markers and trigger mechanisms --; 20. Risk factors of sudden cardiac death after acute myocardial infarction: Ventricular disfunction, ischemia and ventricular arrhythmias --; 21. Acute non-Q wave myocardial infarction: A summary of the diltiazem reinfarction study (DRS) and the multicenter diltiazem post-infarction trial (MDPIT) --; 22. Treatment of heart failure: Impact on sudden death --; 23. Can sudden death be avoided by timely revascularization of obstructed coronary arteries? --; 24. Sudden cardiac death: A multifactorial problem --; 25. Final conclusions.
Sudden death is probably the greatest challenge facing modem cardiology today. This is mainly due to the impact of its brusque appearance and the socioeconomic implications. The incidende is presently decreasing somewhat, mainly due to the decline in new cases of ischemic heart disease on one hand, and to better preven tion in risk patients on the other. Nevertheless, the figures are still high and represent over 300.000 patients per year in the United States alone. This book is an updating of the problem of sudden death from a multifactorial standpoint. It includes not only electrophysiologic data but also covers aspects ranging from epidemiology to prevention. Risk markers and triggering mechanicsms of sudden death are reviewed, with special emphasis on the role of electrical instability, ischemia and depressed ventricular function. The book includes the contributions from many experts, often pioneers in their respective fields. It is our hope that the book serves as an Updating for those cardiologist who are not specialized in these subjects, but may also be of interest to the expert. We wish to express our sincerest gratitude to the authors for sending in their work so promptly, and also Kluwer Academic Publishers for their exactitude and perfection in this edition.
Family medicine.
Internal medicine.
edited by A. Bayés Luna, P. Brugada, J. Cosin Aguilar, F. Navarro-Lopez.